"THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE" JOHN 8:32........ If you think you are free, think again!

Albert Pike Uncovered

Chapter 1, Painful Answers! | Jesus Is A True Messenger Of God | Truth about the earth | First Chapter | Guy Carr, Pawns in the Game | Chapter 2, Synagogue of Satan | Chapter 3, The Dollar Bill | Chapter 4, Conspiracy in the Numbers | Chapter 5, The Eye | Chapter 6, The Time Line | Chapter 7, Al Esraa & time line | Surat The Children of Israel | Chapter 8,Armageddon | Chapter 9 Al Asr the map of time,10,11 | chapter12, Numbers in the Universe, Chapter13 | Albert Pike Uncovered | A US GOVERNMENT LIE | Rabbis Opposing Zionism | Divide and Conquer


Albert Pike was born on December 29, 1809, in Boston, and was the oldest of six children born to Benjamin and Sarah Andrews Pike.  He studied at Harvard, and later served as a Brigadier-General in the Confederate Army. After the Civil War, Pike was found guilty of treason and jailed, only to be pardoned by fellow Freemason President Andrew Johnson on April 22, 1866, who met with him the next day at the White House. On June 20, 1867, Scottish Rite officials conferred upon Johnson the 4th to 32nd Freemasonry degrees, and he later went to Boston to dedicate a Masonic Temple.

Pike was said to be a genius, able to read and write in 16 different languages, although I cannot find a record anywhere of what those languages were.  In addition, he is widely accused of plagiarism, so take with a pinch of salt.   At various stages of his life we was a poet, philosopher, frontiersman, soldier, humanitarian and philanthropist.  A 33rd degree Mason, he was one of the founding fathers, and head of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, being the Grand Commander of North American Freemasonry from 1859 and retained that position until his death in 1891. In 1869, he was a top leader in the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.

Pike was said to be a Satanist, who indulged in the occult, and he apparently possessed a bracelet which he used to summon Lucifer, with whom he had constant communication. He was the Grand Master of a Luciferian group known as the Order of the Palladium (or Sovereign Council of Wisdom), which had been founded in Paris in 1737. Palladism had been brought to Greece from Egypt by Pythagoras in the fifth century, and it was this cult of Satan that was introduced to the inner circle of the Masonic lodges. It was aligned with the Palladium of the Templars. In 1801, Issac Long, a Jew, brought a statue of Baphomet (Satan) to Charleston, South Carolina, where he helped to establish the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Long apparently chose Charleston because it was geographically located on the 33rd parallel of latitude (incidentally, so is Baghdad), and this council is considered to be the Mother Supreme Council of all Masonic Lodges of the World.

Pike was Long's successor, and he changed the name of the Order to the New and Reformed Palladian Rite (or Reformed Palladium). The Order contained two degrees:

·         Adelph (or Brother), and

·         Companion of Ulysses (or Companion of Penelope).

Pike's right-hand man was Phileas Walder, from Switzerland, who was a former Lutheran minister, a Masonic leader, occultist, and spiritualist. Pike also worked closely with Giusseppe Mazzini of Italy (1805-1872) who was a 33rd degree Mason, who became head of the Illuminati in 1834, and who founded the Mafia in 1860. Together with Mazzini, Lord Henry Palmerston of England (1784-1865, 33rd degree Mason), and Otto von Bismarck from Germany (1815-1898, 33rd degree Mason), Albert Pike intended to use the Palladian Rite to create a Satanic umbrella group that would tie all Masonic groups together.

Albert Pike died on April 2, 1891, and was buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, although the corpse of Pike currently lies in the headquarters of the Council of the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in Washington, D.C.  (see The Deadly Deception, by Jim Shaw - former 33rd degree Mason and Past Master of all Scottish Rite bodies.)

The Albert Pike Monument

Albert Pike made his mark before the war in Arkansas as a lawyer and writer, but as a Confederate Brigadier General, he was, according to the Arkansas Democrat of July 31, 1978, a complete "WASH-OUT," not a hero.  Yet, Gen. Albert Pike is the only Confederate general with a statue on federal property in Washington, DC. He was honoured, not as a commander or even as a lawyer, but as Southern regional leader of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. The statue stands on a pedestal near the foot of Capitol Hill, between the Department of Labor building and the Municipal Building, between 3rd and 4th Streets, on D Street, NW.  More detail about the monument, including a photo and map can be found here.  Further background on the colorful history of the statue can be found at the Masonic Info website.  During the 1992 presidential campaign, Lyndon H. LaRouche and his vice presidential running mate, the Reverend James Bevel, launched a mobilization to remove the statue of General Albert Pike from Washington, D.C.'s Judiciary Square. On February 1, the campaign drew an angry attack from freemasonic leader C. Fred Kleinknecht, who attempted to defend both Pike and the Ku Klux Klan from LaRouche and Bevel's attack.  A speech given by LaRouche defending his actions can be found here (March 20, 1992).  And a speech by Anton Chaitkin entitled 'Why Albert Pike's Statue Must Fall' can be found here (September 21, 1992).


The Illuminati and Albert Pike

Adam Weishaupt (1748 - 1811) formed the Order of Perfectibilists on May 1, 1776 (to this day celebrated as May Day throughout many western countries), which later became known as the Illuminati, a secret society whose name means "Enlightened Ones".  Although the Order was founded to provide an opportunity for the free exchange of ideas, Weishaupt's background as a Jesuit seems to have influenced the actual character of the society, such that the express aim of this Order became to abolish Christianity, and overturn all civil government.

An Italian revolutionary leader, Giusseppe Mazzini (1805-1872), a 33rd degree Mason, was selected by the Illuminati to head their worldwide operations in 1834.  (Mazzini also founded the Mafia in 1860).  Because of Mazzini's revolutionary activities in Europe, the Bavarian government cracked down on the Illuminati and other secret societies for allegedly plotting a massive overthrow of Europe's monarchies.  As the secrets of the Illuminati were revealed, they were persecuted and eventually disbanded, only to re-establish themselves in the depths of other organizations, of which Freemasonry was one.

During his leadership, Mazzini enticed Albert Pike into the (now formally disbanded, but still operating) Illuminati. Pike was fascinated by the idea of a one world government, and when asked by Mazzini, readily agreed to write a ritual tome that guided the transition from average high-ranking mason into a top-ranking Illuminati mason (33rd degree). Since Mazzini also wanted Pike to head the Illuminati's American chapter, he clearly felt Pike was worthy of such a task. Mazzini's intention was that once a mason had made his way up the Freemason ladder and proven himself worthy, the highest ranking members would offer membership to the secret 'society within a society'. 

It is for this reason that most Freemasons vehemently deny the evil intentions of their fraternity.  Since the vast majority never reach the 30th degree, they would not be aware of the real purpose behind Masonry.  When instructing Pike how the tome should be developed, Mazzini wrote the following to Pike in a letter dated January 22, 1870.  Remember that Freemasonry wasn't started by Pike - rather it was infiltrated by the Illuminati who were looking for a respectable forum in which to hide their clandestine activities:

"We must allow all the federations to continue just as they are, with their systems, their central authorities and their diverse modes of correspondence between high grades of the same rite, organized as they are at the present, but we must create a super rite, which will remain unknown, to which we will call those Masons of high degree whom we shall select. With regard to our brothers in Masonry, these men must be pledges to the strictest secrecy. Through this supreme rite, we will govern all Freemasonry which will become the one international center, the more powerful because its direction will be unknown." 1

In 1871, Pike published the 861 page Masonic handbook known as the Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

After Mazzini's death on March 11, 1872, Pike appointed Adriano Lemmi (1822-1896, 33rd degree Mason), a banker from Florence, Italy, to run their subversive activities in Europe. Lemmi was a supporter of patriot and revolutionary Giuseppe Garibaldi, and may have been active in the Luciferian Society founded by Pike.  Lemmi, in turn, was succeeded by Lenin and Trotsky, then by Stalin. The revolutionary activities of all these men were financed by British, French, German, and American international bankers; all of them dominated by the House of Rothschild.

Between 1859 and 1871, Pike worked out a military blueprint for three world wars and various revolutions throughout the world which he considered would forward the conspiracy to its final stage in the 20th Century.

In addition to the Supreme Council in Charleston, South Carolina, Pike established Supreme Councils in Rome, Italy (led by Mazzini); London, England (led by Palmerston); and Berlin, Germany (led by Bismarck). He set up 23 subordinate councils in strategic places throughout the world, including five Grand Central Directories in Washington, DC (North America), Montevideo (South America), Naples (Europe), Calcutta (Asia), and Mauritius (Africa), which were used to gather information. All of these branches have been the secret headquarters for the Illuminati's activities ever since.

Left: The Main Library of the Supreme Council 33° of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, S.J., U.S.A., the Mother Supreme Council of the World, Washington D.C., is dedicated to none other than Confederate General Albert Pike, the KKK's Chief of "Judiciary".

He has lived. The fruits of his labors live after him. - Albert Pike, 33°

These words dedicated to Albert Pike are mounted in bronze near the impressive, leather-covered doors leading into the Library of The Supreme Council, 33°. They are an appropriate greeting to the user of the Library since today The Supreme Council's Library continues Pike's lifework and Freemasonry's mission.

Pike, who admitted to being "capricious in my reading," was an avid collector of books. In his Little Rock, Arkansas, home one of the most impressive rooms was the library, and Pike kept an extensive collection of books at his Arkansas mountain cabin retreat where he wrote the first drafts of what was to become Morals and Dogma.

Pike saved what he could of these books during the turmoil of the Civil War and its aftermath, and when he moved to the nation's capital area, he built on these collections, first in his home in Alexandria, Virginia, and then in the first House of the Temple at Third and D Streets, NW, in Washington, DC. his death, he willed all his books to The Supreme Council, 33, under the provision that they be made available to the general public at no charge. Thus in 1891, the House of the Temple Library became, in effect, the first "public library" in the District of Columbia.

Today, many of these books from Pike's personal collection form the nucleus of the Library of The Supreme Council at the present House of the Temple at 1733 Sixteenth Street, NW, and they are still available for use, free of any charge, by the general public as well as, of course, the Brethren. One of the thrills of conducting research in the Library is, unexpectedly, to come across a few words in Pike's own small, meticulous handwriting in some of the older books.

The above description of Pikes importance to Freemasonry from the Supreme Council 33° shows the claims by Masonic Apologists today that Pike is a "nobody" whose "importance is nothing to masonry", who "no one even knows who he is save for a few anti's" to be a real whopper. Albert Pike is to Freemasonry what Shakespeare is to Drama. One is inseperable from the other. Don't let practiced dissemblers tell you anything different.

Right: One of the most widely read occult books in the world; Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. This book is still given to Masons on being awarded the 32nd Degree.

Pike has been termed by a number of well known Masonic authors as the Plato of Freemasonry, and even the Masonic Pope!

Freemasonry, that is to say Organized Freemasonry practices the big lie technique. More to the point organized Freemasonry has perfected the big lie technique. They term this doublespeak ' diverting the discourse'. In regard to Confederate general, slaver, British spy, convicted Confederate war criminal, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council 33rd Degree, Ku Klux Klan ritual designer, Ku Klux Klan Chief Judicial Officer and Arkansas Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon it is necessary to add some superlatives on to the term 'divert the discourse', because that opaque term doesn't nearly come close to describing the effort and tactics it has and is employing to cover-up, obscure, deflect, and divert about Pike's leading roll in the KKK's creation.

Please excuse us if we seem to go to some length to explain what exactly organized Freemasonry with all it's thousands of internet sites, millions of members, and billions of net worth is doing in regard to the Albert Pike issue because one has to be very specific when dealing with the masters of parsing. In fact it is likely the case that Freemasonry provided the initial instruction to intelligence agencies on the most effective methods of using disinformation.

First they eliminate all "documents" - not that a oral secret society such as Freemasonry or the KKK keeps a paper trail. Then they say no documents exist or none can be found. If there is any eyewitness testimony included in books or writings on the topic they deny the books or writings exist, if that fails they attack the witnesses and try and destroy their character - even if they were masons and thereby ignoring their oaths on the matter, and if that fails they attack the character of the authors themselves - again if they also too were masons. Finally they will simply lie or mischaracterize the nature of a book or writing by terming it 'anti' - even if the work was 'pro' but written in another time before the fall of the KKK.

The use of the term "anti" is one of pure Orwellian rhetoric. All those who write critically of Freemasonry are anti's and all anti's are frauds, liars, zealots, or extremists and cannot be accepted. Therefore there is no such thing as a legitimate work criticizing Freemasonry because by it's very nature it must be 'anti' and organized Freemasonry will accept no references from 'anti's' in any debate or discussion of Freemasonry. If per chance the writing was from a mason but was one that was meant not to come out into the public view (in the jacket cover of most masonic books is typed that the books must be returned to the Lodge if the owner dies), or if it was simply written in another time politically - such as the case with pro Ku Klux Klan books that extoll the roll of Albert Pike in the KKK, the tact is to attack the authors. Even though at the time the books were written Organized Freemasonry was more that happy to accept the kudos of the millions strong KKK on all the wonderful things that Pike did for them.

A non-mason may provide quote after quote from old masonic or KKK works and Freemasonry will not accept any of them because anyone who would suggest such a thing today (the non-mason) would be doing so with the knowledge that it would be harmful to Freemasonry's public image and standing, and anyone who would do that would obviously have to be an 'anti'. Of course nothing an "Anti" says or writes is acceptable to a Mason. Logicians term this circular reasoning and furthermore classify circular reasoning as a fallacy. A fallacy is equivalent to an mathematical error in logic or rhetoric, and it is disallowed. It is not a legitimate debating method, it is in the same category as ad hominem personal attacks. Unfortunately with the Freemasons power it is very difficult to compete with the deluge of misinformation they spew out repeating these illegitimate debating and reasoning methods. In crude terms organized Freemasonry's most effective tactic is to "baffle them with bee's wax". Mountains of it. If it will take a thousand websites or a hundered thousand usenet posts to bury the 'anti's' point (which they never respond to without employing shabby cut and paste, deletion, or misquoting games) then that is what they will do. Masons term this 'good work'.

Right: Atrium of the Supreme Council 33°, Washington DC. A bust of Pike can be seen in the distance on the landing of the Grand Staircase which leads up to the main temple room which all 33° Masons must file past. Pike is buried in a secret crypt under the stairway, beneath the bust, the only Freemason to be given this "honor".

But what is the purpose of this exercise? Masons who find themselves on the clear loosing end of a Pike match (it happens but they quickly cancel the posts or pretend the verbal arguement never occured) will say "but even if you are right, so what it happened 150 years ago and has no bearing today, etc". Here is why it does very much matter. Pike wasn't just any Freemason he was the head of the Supreme Council which has defacto control of the entire worldwide masonic movement. Therefore the Ku Klux Klan was an official (albiet very secret) and planned masonic organization with political overtones that foreknowingly was set up to engage in murder, arson, blackmail and other extra constitutional tactics to achieve the Scottish Rites political objectives. The KKK and Freemasonry relationship thereby is as a seamless as could be. From it's inception through the open recruiting of masons in newspapers to the KKK, to the use of masonic temples and halls for KKK meetings, to the rituals, rites, and occult themes, to the high degree masonic membership of the leadership of the old and new klans. Even the present cover-up can be seen to be part of Organized Freemasonry's continued involvement with reactionary politics. They have never stopped, they have never given up. Many have speculated on what happened to the millions of KKK Members that were on the rolls up to the KKK's final downfall at the hands of the IRS in the 40's. We now know. They simply carried on inside the masonic lodges as if nothing had changed at all. And what really had changed? In most regions of the country the local KKK Klavern's membership was indistinguishable from the local 'Blue' masonic lodges membership.

After all the KKK had openly advertised in newspapers for new recruits specifiying that masons were preferred! The only change was the sheets were stowed away, but the political goals and willingness and capability to follow through on them carried on. The letter that the head of the Supreme Council wrote about a Roman Catholic president in 1960 in the official organ of the Scottish Rite - 'New Age' magazine, and the continuing practically non-existant black membership in the 'blue' lodges, plus the non-recognition as 'regular' of black only Prince Hall lodges testify's boldly to that.

The 1940's folding was a complete sham. That is why the desperate defense of Albert Pike. They're still at it, they never went away.

Here then gentle, patient readers are the references which prove that the Illustrious Albert Pike was part of the KKK, and that the KKK and Freemasonry were intrinsically linked.


Reference Number ONE.

Ku Klux Klan: Its Origin, Growth, and Disbandment

It was in 1905 that the Neale Publishing Company, New York and Washington, published Ku Klux Klan: Its Origin, Growth and Disbandment, written and edited by Walter L. Fleming, incorporating earlier published material by J.C. Lester and D.L. Wilson. Historian Walter Fleming's introduction to this 1905 book explains that he has been given "information in regard to Ku Klux Klan, by many former members of the order, and by their friends and relatives." Dr. Fleming states that "General Albert Pike, who stood high in the Masonic order, was the chief judicial officer of the Klan." On a page of illustrations of important founders of the KKK, Dr. Fleming places General Pike's portrait in the center, makes it larger than the six others on the page, and repeats this information as a caption: "General Albert Pike, chief judicial officer". Dr. Fleming attaches as an appendix to his book, a KKK "prescript" or secret constitution which had then recently been discovered. This document sets forth the regulations of the Klan's "judiciary"' department, over which Albert Pike ruled. This is the internal disciplinary or counterintelligence department. It also corresponds to Pike and the Klan's influence over the regular court system and the legal profession in the post-civil War southern states.

As the boss of all the southern secret societies and simultaneously president of the Tennessee Bar Association, Pike was the grand strategist of Klan "justice." It is to be stressed that Walter Fleming's book was not a slander or hatchet job against Albert Pike. Though it revealed much important data for the first time, it placed the KKK and Pike in the most favorable possible light. The book was a hit among diehard Confederates and Anglo-Saxon "race patriots," and it launched Fleming's career as the dean of southern historians. Fleming became the leading apologist for the KKK, and was the father of the modern historical line that Reconstruction was a corrupt oppression of the South. In September 1903, Fleming had written in the Journal of the Southern History Association: "The very need for such an organization in the disordered conditions of the time caused the Dens [KKK local units] to begin to exercise the duties of a police patrol for regulating the conduct of thieving and impudent negroes and similar "loyal' whites...." Dr. Fleming's biases have not hurt his reputation with established authorities. The National Cyclopedia of American Biography calls his 1905 Ku Klux Klan history "an authoritative account of that organization." The Dictionary of American Biography states bluntly: "Fleming covered the Civil War and Reconstruction in the South more fully than any other man. His works are characterized by ... scholarly objective. A Southerner, Fleming wrote of the sectional conflict with Southern sympathies yet he was more objective than most Southerners of his generation. The historiography of the Civil War and Reconstruction owes much to his indefatigable research, his breadth of scholarship, and power of interpretation." Basing his career on his defense of Pike's KKK, Fleming became dean of arts and sciences at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee.

Pike's Tennessee Klan Command

It was in Nashville that Albert Pike and other Confederate generals met in 1867 to form a southern states-wide terrorist KKK, expanding the little project they had started two years before in Pulaski, Tenn. The organization he formed in Nashville designated Pike its chief judiciary officer, and its Grand Dragon for Arkansas.

As owner-publisher of the Memphis, Tennessee, Daily Appeal, Albert Pike wrote in an editorial on April 16, 1868:

"With negroes for witnesses and jurors, the administration of justice becomes a blasphemous mockery. A Loyal League of negroes can cause any white man to be arrested, and can prove any charges it chooses to have made against him. ...The disenfranchised people of the South ... can find no protection for property, liberty or life, except in secret association.... We would unite every white man in the South, who is opposed to negro suffrage, into one great Order of Southern Brotherhood, with an organization complete, active, vigorous, in which a few should execute the concentrated will of all, and whose very existence should be concealed from all but its members."

(A copy of that issue of Pike's paper may be viewed at the Library of Congress, as may the books mentioned in this article.)

Left: The Albert Pike Memorial Room inside the Supreme Council 33° Temple, which itself is located 13 blocks directly north of the White House in Washington D.C..

But it was as the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite, and the recognized boss of the southern white masonic order, that Pike exercised the great clandestine power that welded the KKK together. Dr. Walter Fleming designates Confederate Major James R. Crowe as the pre-eminent source for his 1905 KKK History, and describes Crowe as one of the original KKK founders in Pulaski. Fleming says that Major Crowe "held high rank in the Masonic order." In his honor roll of "well-known members of the Klan," Dr. Fleming places "General John C. Brown, of Pulaski, Tennessee" and "Colonel Joseph Fussell, of Columbia, Tennessee."

General Brown and Colonel Fussell, like Major Crowe, are identifiable as soldiers of Albert Pike's masonic order. General Brown had been a master mason in the Pulaski lodge for 15 years when the KKK was formed there, and became grand master of Tennessee Masons and governor of Tennessee during the Klan's era of power. Colonel Fussell was commandant of Tennessee's masonic Knights Templar during the Klan rule. The preceding masonic information is taken from Tennessee Templars: A Register of Names with Biographical Sketches of the Knights Templar of Tennessee by James D. Richardson. This James D. Richardson was himself the Commandant of Knights Templar and Grand Master of Masons in Tennessee, and was speaker of the Tennessee House of Representatives during the era of the Klan power. This same James D. Richardson was Albert Pike's successor as commander of the southern Scottish Rite masons. It was this same Richardson who ordered the Pike statue to be erected in Washington, D.C. It was Richardson who, as a U.S. congressman from Tennessee, introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives the infamous 1898 resolution: It called for the federal government to provide federal land to Richardson's masonic organization, on which to put up their statue honoring the master strategist of KKK terror.


Reference Number TWO.

The KKK on Parade

Susan Lawrence Davis's 1924 Authentic History, Ku Klux Klan, 1865-1877, repeats the pattern Fleming created in 1905, revealing Pike's KKK role but treating him and the Klan sympathetically. The Davis book was written to celebrate the new, 20th-century KKK, which was just then staging full-dress mass marches in Washington and northern cities such as Detroit. In her chapter on General Pike's leadership of the Klan, Miss Davis applauds Pike's clever stewardship of the KKK secret organization. She reproduces in her KKK history an oil portrait of Albert Pike given to her for the KKK book by Pike's son.


Reference Number THREE.

The Tragic Era

The same is true of other book-length histories of the Klan and numerous published biographies of Albert Pike: Pike's role as Klan leader or KKK boss of Arkansas is discussed, but treated as if KKK terrorist murder of African-Americans was "regrettable" but "only natural" and "understandable." In his book, The Tragic Era, Claude Bowers, who served many years as the U.S. ambassador to Spain and to Chile, described Albert Pike as one of the handful of distinguished, respectable founders of the KKK and the Klan's leader in Arkansas.

Bowers describes the KKK as patriotic southerners defending their way of life from out-of-control blacks and northerners.

Bowers wrote that much of the KKK's alleged violence was actually perpetrated by Negroes disguised in Klan robes to wreak vengeance on other Negroes!


Reference Number FOUR.

The Fiery Cross

"Prominent Southern gentlemen were later cited as state leaders of the Invisible Empire. Alabama claimed General John T. Morgan as Grand Dragon. Arkansas was headed by General Albert Pike, explorer and poet. North Carolina was led by former governor Zebulon Vance, and Georgia by General John B. Gordon, later a U.S. Senator."

Source: The Fiery Cross: Wade, Wyn Craig. Oxford University Press 1998 Page 58 Originally Published: Simon & Schuster 1987 Library of Congress Catalogue Number: 1.Ku Klux Klan (1915-)-History. 2. White Supremacy movements--United States --History. 3. Racism--United States-- History. 322.4'2'0973-dc21 97-44001


Reference Number FIVE.

The Aryan's

Albert Pike also wrote extensively on the mythtical super-race of the Aryans, extolling their virtues, imagined history, and religion which he tried to show was the precursor of Freemasonry in is numerous Published Works. It would seem that Pike was a fellow traveller with Blavatsky on this subject. Fifty years later in Central Europe there will be others who will take up this mantle and use these writings as the basis for a ideology that curiously enough will also use the term 'new world order' to describe it's agenda. Just a co-incidence of course.


Reference Number SIX.

History and Evolution of Freemasonry

A further useful quotation from Mr. Pike was also supplied by Mr. Bill Maddox, a Freemason on the Usenet group alt.freemasonry (and vigorously attacked for doing so by the resident "e-m@sons").

"I took my obligations from white men, not from negroes. When I have to accept negroes as brothers or leave masonry, I shall leave it" - Albert Pike 33rd*

Delmar D. Darrah
History and Evolution of Freemasonry 1954, page 329.
The Charles T Powner Co.


Reference Number SEVEN.

A Critical Examination of Objections to the Legitimacy of the Masonry Existing Among the Negroes of America

On Bastille Day 2001 in response to a reference made in the usenet newsgroup alt.freemasonry to the page you are currently reading a mason once again attacked the above reference as being a "anti lie".

He is then publically rebutted by a brother thusly:

Lee Duncan wrote in message
> For example, there is a popular claim among "anti's" that Pike said
> something resembling this: "I took my vows to white men, not
> Negroes...when I must call a Negroe 'brother,' I shall resign from
> Masonry."
> Of course, Pike said no such thing. In reality, Pike was a great
> champion of Prince Hall (Negroe) Masonry.


For your consideration the full text of Pike's letter follows as quoted in "A Critical Examination of Objections to the Legitimacy of the Masonry Existing Among the Negroes of America" by William H. Upton, 1902, p.214-15. My thanks to Brother Bennie for prompting me to scan the document because of his contribution.


Mike Wells
#673 AF&AM Illinois
Collector of old Masonic books

Views of General ALBERT PIKE, Sovereign Grand Commander, A. & A. Scottish Rite. ALEXANDRIA, Va., 13th September, 1875.

DEAR FRIEND AND BROTHER.-I can see as plainly as that the negro question is going to make trouble. Then plenty of regular negro Masons and negro lodges in South America and the West Indies, and our folks only stave of the question by saying that negro Masons here are clandestine. Prince Hall Lodge was as regular a Lodge as any lodge created by competent authority, and had a perfect right (as other lodges in Europe did) to establish other lodges, making itself a mother Lodge. That's the way the Berlin
lodges, Three Globes and Royal York, became Grand Lodges.

The Grand Orient of Hayti is as regular as any other. So is the Grand Orient of the
Dominican Republic
, which, I dare say, has negroes in it and negro lodges under it.

Again, if the negro lodges are not regular, they can easily get regularized. If our Grand Lodges won't recognize negro lodges, they have the right to go elsewhere. The Grand Lodge can't say to eight or more Masons, black or white, we will not give you a charter because you are negroes, or because you wish to work the Scottish Rite, and you shall not go elsewhere to get one. That latter part is bosh.

recognizes the Grand Lodges. Yes, and so the German Grand Lodge Confederation is going to do, and so will the Grand Orient of France before long.

Of course, if negrophily continues to be the religion established by law of your States, there will be before long somewhere a beginning of recognition of negro lodges. Then the Royal Arch and Templar bodies of negroes must be taken in, and Masonry go down to their level. Will your plan work? I think not. I think there is no middle ground between rigid exclusion of negroes or recognition and affiliation with the whole mass.

If they are not Masons, how protect them as such or at all ? If they are Masons, how deny them affiliation or have two supreme powers in one jurisdiction.

I am not inclined to meddle in the matter. I took my obligations to white men, not to negroes. When I have to accept negroes as brothers or leave Masonry, I shall leave it.

I am interested to keep the Ancient and Accepted Rite uncontaminated, in our country at least, by the leprosy of negro association. Our Supreme Council can defend its jurisdiction, and it is the law-maker. There can not be a lawful body of that Rite in our jurisdiction unless it is created by us.

I am not so sure but that, what with immensity of numbers, want of a purpose worth laboring for, general indifference to obligations, pitiful charity and large expenses, fuss, feathers and fandango, big temples and large debts, Masonry is become a great helpless, inert mass that will some day, before long, topple over, and go under. If you wish it should, I think you can hasten the catastrophe by urging a protectorate of the negroes. Better let the thing drift. Apres noun le, deluge.

Truly, yours,

Left: The Albert Pike Scottish Rite Temple, Little Rock Arkansas, home of the Arkansas Scottish Rite Supreme Council 33°, and the Grand Lodge of Arkansas. There are also a large number of regular 'Blue' lodges named after Pike in small and big town U.S.A..

Reference Number EIGHT.

The Knights of the Golden Circle

Brigadier General Albert Pike organized and lead the African Slave Owning Cherokee Indians in the Oklahoma Territory who were part of the Masonic Knights of the Golden Circle, in their own secret society called the Keetowah. Under Pikes Generalship this Brigade raped, pillaged, and murdered civilian communities in the Oklahoma and Missori Territories. For these "good works" Brother Albert became a Convicted War Criminal in a War Crimes Trial held after the Civil Wars end. Unfortunately the "Pope" and "Plato" of Freemasonry had to be tried in absentia because he had fled to British Territory in Canada. Second Generation British-American Pike has also been alledged to have been working for the Crown as an agent and key civil war agitator. Pike only returned to the U.S. after his hand picked Scottish Rite Succsessor James Richardon 33° got a pardon for him after, making President Johnson a 33° Scottish Mason in a ceremony held inside the White House itself! In fact given Mr. Pikes leadership roll in the Knights of the Golden Circle and the fact that the name Ku Klux Klan is a version of Circle (Kluklos) it seems pretty clear to most researchers who was higher up the secret society occult ladder and therefore more instrumental in the founding of the Klan - Mason/Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forest or Mason/Confederate General/ Knights of the Golden Circle Leader/British Agent/ Scottish Rite Supreme Council Head Albert Pike 33°.


Reference Number NINE


Dr. Walter Fleming's Academic Credentials by Auburn University.

Where or what are the academic credentials of Masonic "truth seekers" such as the self styled "Grand" Lodge of BC and others that call anyone who says Pike was a key figure in the KKK a liar and "a hater"?


University professor, dean. Born: April 8, 1874, Brundridge. Parents: William Leroy and Mary Love (Edwood) Fleming. Married: Mary Wright Boyd, September 17, 1902. Children: Four. Education: Alabama Polytechnic Institute, B.S., (with honor), 1896; M.A., 1897; Columbia University, A.M., 1901; Ph.D., 1904. While at Auburn served as an instructor in history and English; assistant librarian. At Columbia, lecturer in history. Served with the Alabama Voluntary Infantry in the Spanish-American War. Taught at West Virginia University, 1903-1907; Louisiana State University, 1907-1917; Vanderbilt University, 1917-1928; dean of the College of Arts and Services, 1923-1926. Member of the editorial board of the Mississippi Valley Historical Review, 1922.

Source: Who Was Who in America, Vol. 1; Owen's The Story of Alabama, and Dictionary of American Biography, Supplement 1.

Author: Civil War and Reconstruction in Alabama. New York: Columbia University Press, 1905.

Documentary History of Reconstruction: Political, Military, Social, Religious, Educational & Industrial, 1861 to the Present Time. Cleveland, Ohio: A. H. Clarke Co., 1906-1907.

The Freedman's Savings Bank. Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina Press, 1927.

History of Louisiana State University (1860-1896). Sewanee, Tenn.: The University of the South Press, 1931.

The Reconstruction of the Seceded States, 1865-76. Albany, N.Y.: New York State Education Department, 1905.

The Reconstruction Period: a Syllabus & Reference List. Morgantown, W. Va.: A. G. Sturgiss, 1904.

The Sequel to Appomatox .... New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1921.

Southern Biography. (Vols. 11 & 12 in The South in the Building of the Nation) Richmond, Va.: Southern Historical Publication Society, 1909-1913.

Editor: Documents Relating to Reconstruction. Morgantown, W. Va.: s.n., 1904.

General W.T. Sherman as College President: a Collection of Letters, Documents, and Other Material .... Cleveland, Ohio: The Arthur M. Clarke Co., 1912.

Ku Klux Klan, its Origin, Growth and Disbandment. New York: Neale Pub. Co., 1905.


Auburn University History Department

Reference Number TEN.

Investigative Journalism

Detroit Metro Times article:

Top Twenty List of Monuments and Statues in the United States of America that must Topple.


Rather than quake in fear when Masonic Propagandists puts the muscle on (as in the case of the 1990's Pike Statue removal fight in Washington D.C.), a citizen or his political representative ought to put this question to General Pike's defenders: "Do you say that Professor Fleming, Miss Davis, Mr. Bowers, and all the other pro-Confederate historians were liars when they wrote of Pike's marvelous deeds as KKK founder and leader?" They want to have it both ways: first to issue propaganda justifying Klan terrorism as the work of "respectable'' men like Pike; later, when their hero is under attack, to claim that their own propaganda slanders their man!


Essay by John Covici, January 19, 1993
The Crown in the Capitol
The Ku Klux Klan, It's Origins Growth and Disbandment
Authentic History, Ku Klux Klan

The Tragic Era
The Fiery Cross
History and Evolution of Freemasonry
The Published Works of Illustrious Albert Pike 33
Knights of the Golden Circle Cherokee Indians

In 1995 African-American and Anti-Racist Groups attempted to get Pike's statue near the Federal Department of Justice Building in "Judiciary" Square taken down but were out lobbied by the Supreme Council 33°, who were able to successfully mobilize fellow Scottish Rite 'travelling brethren' inside the powerful ADL of the Grand Lodge of B'nai B'rith, who then told politicians and officials that no evidence existed for Pike's involvement in the KKK. Brother heal thyself.

We predict Grand-Wizard Pike's future in Judiciary Square is about as promising as the statues of assorted henchman that used to sit outside KGB headquarters in Moscow under the hammer and sickle.

The worm has turned, brethren. 


The Scottish Rite, the KKK and the ADL

Evidence that Pike was Chief Judiciary Officer of the KKK


by John Covici, January 19, 1993

In Response to the Scottish Rite/ADL Desperate Defense of The KKK's National Monument.

The city councils of Birmingham and Tuskegee, Alabama; Austin, Texas; Newark, New Jersey; Buffalo, New York; and New Orleans, Louisiana, have all called for the removal of the statue of Ku Klux Klan founder Albert Pike from Judiciary Square in Washington, D.C. Meanwhile, the Council of the District of Columbia, considering whether to pass a resolution similar to those passed in the other U.S. cities, has been warned by the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith not to move to take down the KKK monument. Albert Pike, national KKK chief judiciary officer and Grand Dragon of the Arkansas Klan after the Civil War, is buried in a crypt at the Headquarters Temple of the Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, at 16th and S Streets, Washington. Pike was Grand Commander of that masonic group when he and his confederate clique organized the KKK.
Also ignored by the Chronicle are the key charges-- that the ADL used state records, including drivers licenses and Social Security numbers, to ruin the careers of anti-apartheid  activists by dissemminating this confidential information to hostile parties.  Why the harrassment and blacklisting of anti-apartheid activists from, of all things, a civil rights organization?

"Rabbi Isaac Wise established B’nai B’rith’s center for the "liberalizing" of Judaism in Cincinnati, Ohio-coinciding with Cincinnati’s other great Scottish Rite scheme, the launching of the Knights of the Golden Circle. Wise was officially neutral in the Civil War. Core leaders of the B’nai B’rith from then on have been Scottish Rite Masons. The political establishment associated with the Order has always had its headquarters in London...

"In the 1930s, Cyrus Adler, president of the American Jewish Committee,

coordinated with the family’s B’nai B’rith, and the family’s {New York Times}, to crush all U.S. political action against Adolf Hitler in Germany. The B’nai B’rith was the one Jewish organization that Hitler deliberately {left open }and functioning under Nazi rule from 1933 on. In 1939, Britain made a dramatic change in its policy toward Hitler-after teaching Hitler his race theories, after forcefully backing his takeover of Germany, after financing and equipping his armies, Britain now changed publicly to opposing Hitler. Only at that point, in 1939, about a year after Hitler finally closed B’nai B’rith’s Nazi-authorized German operations, B’nai B’rith decided to "approve" an international boycott against the Nazi regime....

"B’nai B’rith’s Anti-Defamation League recently opened a vicious campaign to label American black leaders as anti-Semites, aiming at a racial conflict, and stomping on the memory of the young Jews who fought for civil rights in the 1960s. It is essential that the religious, national, and historical character of this racialism be precisely understood."

It is apparent, judging by the misleading and divisive surveys like the aforementioned propaganda; that the ADL's campaign to label black American leaders as anti-Semites has now expanded, and now aimed at labeling all blacks as anti-Semites. Actually, it's not just blacks. Anyone that doesn't agree with the ADL, or raises challenging and legitimate questions about their history, is invariably labeled an anti-Semite.

Why? Why has the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a self-proclaimed "anti-bigotry'' lobby, acted to save the KKK's national monument? For starters, the ADL is officially subordinate to the B'nai B'rith, a pro-slavery masonic secret society formed under Scottish Rite control in the 1840s. The ADL, the Scottish Rite, and the Klan appeared openly together in the early 20th century as elements of the "British party" within American political life. In shameful national public statements and private actions, B'nai B'rith and the ADL denounced and viciously sabotaged all 1930s anti-Hitler protests by Jews.

From its inception, the ADL has fronted for organized crime figures including Meyer Lansky. The Scottish Rite and the ADL, in their telephone calls and visits to Washington, D.C. Council members, say that "there is no evidence that Pike was a member of the KKK"; or, that "there is no credible evidence of Pike's role in the Klan"; or, that "we can find no evidence" of such a role. As a fall-back, the ADL has also said that "there is no real evidence of Pike's role in the Klan; and even if there is such evidence, the issue is not important."' In the recent voluminous reporting on the subject of the Pike statue, news media have often quoted Scottish Rite representative Walter Lee Brown with variations of these defenses of Pike. In an October interview with the author, Brown said that he did not care what any historian has ever written about Pike. In his view, all evidence of Pike's evil acts put forward in the 20th century "is simply repeating slanders that were used against Pike when he was alive." Brown, who is writing an official biography of Pike for the Scottish Rite, contended that no condemnation of leaders of the post-Civil War Ku Klux Klan can be legitimate, because of the lack of documentary evidence against them.

This applies as well to the notorious KKK Grand Wizard, slave-trade millionaire and wartime racial murderer Nathan Bedford Forrest. "General Forrest did not actually admit that he was in the Klan," Brown explained. "So, where is your proof that he or anyone else actually ran the Klan?"

How Pike's Role Was Revealed

In considering the evidence of Albert Pike's KKK career, one must keep in perspective the mode of operation and legal status of the perpetrators in question. The KKK of the 1860s-1870s was a secret, terroristic society whose disguised members carried out thousands of murders, tortures, arson of schools and churches. The United States government sent troops into the southern states to put down Klan terrorism. One should not expect the KKK to have published membership and officers lists, to accommodate prosecution and suppression. Confederate General Albert Pike's KKK career has been widely known among historians, southerners, and federal government officials since about 1905, four years after the Pike memorial statue was dedicated.

It was in 1905 that the Neale Publishing Company, New York and Washington, published Ku Klux Klan: Its Origin, Growth and Disbandment, written and edited by Walter L. Fleming, incorporating earlier published material by J.C. Lester and D.L. Wilson. Historian Walter Fleming's introduction to this 1905 book explains that he has been given "information in regard to Ku Klux Klan, by many former members of the order, and by their friends and relatives." Dr. Fleming states that "General Albert Pike, who stood high in the Masonic order, was the chief judicial officer of the Klan." On a page of illustrations of important founders of the KKK, Dr. Fleming places General Pike's portrait in the center, makes it larger than the six others on the page, and repeats this information as a caption: "General Albert Pike, chief judicial officer". Dr. Fleming attaches as an appendix to his book, a KKK "prescript" or secret constitution which had then recently been discovered. This document sets forth the regulations of the Klan's "judiciary"' department, over which Albert Pike ruled. This is the internal disciplinary or counterintelligence department. It also corresponds to Pike and the Klan's influence over the regular court system and the legal profession in the post-civil War southern states.

As the boss of all the southern secret societies and simultaneously president of the Tennessee Bar Association, Pike was the grand strategist of Klan "justice." It is to be stressed that Walter Fleming's book was not a slander or hatchet job against Albert Pike. Though it revealed much important data for the first time, it placed the KKK and Pike in the most favorable possible light. The book was a hit among diehard Confederates and Anglo-Saxon "race patriots," and it launched Fleming's career as the dean of southern historians. Fleming became the leading apologist for the KKK, and was the father of the modern historical line that Reconstruction was a corrupt oppression of the South. In September 1903, Fleming had written in the Journal of the Southern History Association: "The very need for such an organization in the disordered conditions of the time caused the Dens [KKK local units] to begin to exercise the duties of a police patrol for regulating the conduct of thieving and impudent negroes and similar "loyal' whites...." Dr. Fleming's biases have not hurt his reputation with established authorities. The National Cyclopedia of American Biography calls his 1905 Ku Klux Klan history "an authoritative account of that organization." The Dictionary of American Biography states bluntly: "Fleming covered the Civil War and Reconstruction in the South more fully than any other man. His works are characterized by ... scholarly objective. A Southerner, Fleming wrote of the sectional conflict with Southern sympathies yet he was more objective than most Southerners of his generation. The historiography of the Civil War and Reconstruction owes much to his indefatigable research, his breadth of scholarship, and power of interpretation." Basing his career on his defense of Pike's KKK, Fleming became dean of arts and sciences at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee.

Pike's Tennessee Klan Command

It was in Nashville that Albert Pike and other Confederate generals met in 1867 to form a southern states-wide terrorist KKK, expanding the little project they had started two years before in Pulaski, Tenn. The organization he formed in Nashville designated Pike its chief judiciary officer, and its Grand Dragon for Arkansas. As owner-publisher of the Memphis, Tennessee, Daily Appeal, Albert Pike wrote in an editorial on April 16, 1868: "With negroes for witnesses and jurors, the administration of justice becomes a blasphemous mockery. A Loyal League of negroes can cause any white man to be arrested, and can prove any charges it chooses to have made against him. ...The disenfranchised people of the South ... can find no protection for property, liberty or life, except in secret association.... We would unite every white man in the South, who is opposed to negro suffrage, into one great Order of Southern Brotherhood, with an organization complete, active, vigorous, in which a few should execute the concentrated will of all, and whose very existence should be concealed from all but its members." (A copy of that issue of Pike's paper may be viewed at the Library of Congress, as may the books mentioned in this article.) But it was as the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite, and the recognized boss of the southern white masonic order, that Pike exercised the great clandestine power that welded the KKK together. Dr. Walter Fleming designates Confederate Major James R. Crowe as the pre-eminent source for his 1905 KKK History, and describes Crowe as one of the original KKK founders in Pulaski. Fleming says that Major Crowe "held high rank in the Masonic order." In his honor roll of "well-known members of the Klan," Dr. Fleming places "General John C. Brown, of Pulaski, Tennessee" and "Colonel Joseph Fussell, of Columbia, Tennessee."

General Brown and Colonel Fussell, like Major Crowe, are identifiable as soldiers of Albert Pike's masonic order. General Brown had been a master mason in the Pulaski lodge for 15 years when the KKK was formed there, and became grand master of Tennessee Masons and governor of Tennessee during the Klan's era of power. Colonel Fussell was commandant of Tennessee's masonic Knights Templar during the Klan rule. The preceding masonic information is taken from Tennessee Templars: A Register of Names with Biographical Sketches of the Knights Templar of Tennessee by James D. Richardson. This James D. Richardson was himself the Commandant of Knights Templar and Grand Master of Masons in Tennessee, and was speaker of the Tennessee House of Representatives during the era of the Klan power. This same James D. Richardson was Albert Pike's successor as commander of the southern Scottish Rite masons. It was this same Richardson who ordered the Pike statue to be erected in Washington, D.C. It was Richardson who, as a U.S. congressman from Tennessee, introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives the infamous 1898 resolution: It called for the federal government to provide federal land to Richardson's masonic organization, on which to put up their

The Fort Pillow Massacre

statue honoring the master strategist of KKK terror.

Nathan Bedford Forrest, leading a Confederate force, also distinguished himself as a war criminal at Fort Pillow, Tennessee; with the April 12th, 1864 massacre of over 300 Union troops who had laid down their arms in surrender as portrayed in this contemporary illustration. (Frank and Marie-Therese Wood Print Collections, Alexandria, VA)

n 1868 Thomas Nast cartoon shows Forrest, center with a medal of "honor" marked Fort Pillow. (Harper's Weekly, Sept.5, 1868/New York Public Library, New York City)

Strange Bedfellows

Another instance in which the ADL defended the views of the Klan and Aryan Nation, in spite of neo-Nazi leader Richard Butler's slander of the Jews in this article by attacking the alleged "Jewish educational system" which Prop. 209 was meant to abolish by destroying affirmative action. Other vocal proponents of this measure included David Duke, a former leader in the KKK who traveled all the way to California to press for the cause. (click photo for full size)

The KKK on Parade

Susan Lawrence Davis's 1924 Authentic History, Ku Klux Klan, 1865-1877, repeats the pattern Fleming created in 1905, revealing Pike's KKK role but treating him and the Klan sympathetically. The Davis book was written to celebrate the new, 20th-century KKK, which was just then staging full-dress mass marches in Washington and northern cities such as Detroit. In her chapter on General Pike's leadership of the Klan, Miss Davis applauds Pike's clever stewardship of the KKK secret organization. She reproduces in her KKK history an oil portrait of Albert Pike given to her for the KKK book by Pike's son. The same is true of other book-length histories of the Klan and numerous published biographies of Albert Pike: Pike's role as Klan leader or KKK boss of Arkansas is discussed, but treated as if KKK terrorist murder of African-Americans was "regrettable" but "only natural" and "understandable." In his book, The Tragic Era, Claude Bowers describes the KKK as patriotic southerners defending their way of life from out-of-control blacks and northerners. Bowers, who

served many years as the U.S. ambassador to Spain and to Chile, described Albert Pike as one of the handful of distinguished, respectable founders of the KKK and the Klan's leader in Arkansas.

Bowers wrote that much of the KKK's alleged violence was actually perpetrated by Negroes disguised in Klan robes to wreak vengeance on other Negroes! Rather than quake in fear when the white southern masons or the ADL puts the muscle on, a citizen or his political representative ought to put this question to General Pike's defenders: "Do you say that Professor Fleming, Miss Davis, Mr. Bowers, and all the other pro-Confederate historians were liars when they wrote of Pike's marvelous deeds as KKK founder and leader?" They want to have it both ways: first to issue propaganda justifying Klan terrorism as the work of "respectable'' men like Pike; later, when their hero is under attack, to claim that their own propaganda slanders their man! 

John Covici

While a prolific writer, Albert Pike is best known for his major work Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Masonry. Published in 1871 (no ISBN), this massive volume consists of 861 pages and 32 Chapters, covering each of the 32 Degrees of Freemasonry.  While many consider it to be a Mason's guide for daily living, the truth is that not many Masons have even read the book, on account of it being somewhat difficult to understand. 

More than 75% of the book consists of historical records of  ancient civilisations (inc. Egypt, Greece, China, India, Persia) and their superstitions and religious observances.  At first reading Pike creates the impression of being well-read and extremely knowledgeable on his topic, until you take the time to read the preface.  It accuses Pike of plagiarism throughout, stating that “he has extracted quite half its contents from the works of the best writers and most philosophic or eloquent thinkers”.  Is Pike really the genius we've been led to believe?

Freemasonry Described by Albert Pike

In Morals and Dogma, Pike wrote:

"Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it. Truth is not for those who are unworthy or unable to receive it, or would pervert it....

The truth must be kept secret, and the masses need a teaching proportioned to their imperfect reason…

every man's conception of God must be proportioned to his mental cultivation and intellectual powers, and moral excellence. God is, as man conceives Him, the reflected image of man himself..." 1

The next statement reduces the Masonic philosophy to a single premise. Pike writes:

"The true name of Satan, the Kabalists say, is that of Yahveh reversed; for Satan is not a black god but the negation of God.  The Devil is the personification of Atheism or Idolatry.

Lucifer, the Light Bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls?

Doubt it not!" 2

Albert Pike explained in Morals & Dogma how the true nature of Freemasonry is kept a secret from Masons of lower degrees:

"The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry. The whole body of the Royal and Sacerdotal Art was hidden so carefully, centuries since, in the High Degrees, as that it is even yet impossible to solve many of the enigmas which they contain. It is well enough for the mass of those called Masons, to imagine that all is contained in the Blue Degrees; and whoso attempts to undeceive them will labor in vain, and without any true reward violate his obligations as an Adept. Masonry is the veritable Sphinx, buried to the head in the sands heaped round it by the ages. " 3

A reader has written to say the following, regarding the secrecy of higher Freemasonry levels:

"When in grade school we are taught that the three smallest particles of matter were the proton, neutron and electron.  Today, we know there are a multitude of yet even smaller particles that make up those first particles. Could we in the 5th grade have understood the quarks, leptons, and other smaller particles without understanding the proton, neutron and electron first?  I sincerely doubt it.

Masonry is the same way.  The first three degrees are referred to as Symbolic Masonry.  Degrees four through 32 are part of what is referred to as Philosophical Masonry.  The degrees that follow, from the 34th and up are referred to as the Esoteric Degrees.  Again, notice how things are taught in steps."

While I absolutely agree that it is right for information to be gradually fed to an ever enquiring mind, I do not agree that it makes sense to "use false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled", which is what Morals and Dogma explains.

Where Can I Obtain a Copy of Morals and Dogma?

Many Freemasons write asking where Morals and Dogma can be found, proving once again that the majority of Masons are unaware of this book, and proving that Morals and Dogma is not the 'daily guide to living' as claimed on so many anti-Mason sites.

Morals and Dogma was traditionally given to the candidate upon his receipt of the 14th degree of the Scottish Rite. This practice was stopped in 1974. Morals and Dogma has not been given to candidates since 1974.  A Bridge to Light, by Rex R. Hutchens, is instead provided to candidates today. Hutchens laments that Morals and Dogma is read by so few Masons. A Bridge to Light was written to be "a bridge between the ceremonies of the degrees and their lectures in Morals and Dogma".

Morals and Dogma can be purchased new on amazon.com for about $130 (expect a 10 - 14 week delay as the book is considered rare and is therefore a special order).  However many used copies are also available on amazon.com or ebay.com. 

Be aware that there are two distinct different versions of the book: The original manuscript published in 1871 with subsequent reprint (hard to find) and a reprint from circa 2000 (Volume one ISBN# 0766126153 Volume two ISBN# 0766126161).  There is evidence to suggest that some wording has been changed in the more recent reprint, so all serious researchers should look for a 'library binding' published prior to 1950.

An online version of Morals and Dogma can be found at the Pietre-Stones Review of Freemasonry site, and is highly recommended if you wish to confirm the accuracy of quotes used on the ThreeWorldWars site.

What are the Degrees of Freemasonry?

Titles of Freemasonry Degrees, From Morals and Dogma

 1º  - Apprentice
 2º  - Fellow-craft
 3º  - Master
 4º  - Secret Master
 5º  - Perfect Master
 6º  - Intimate Secretary
 7º  - Provost and Judge
 8º  - Intendant of the Building
 9º  - Elu of the Nine
10º - Elu of the Fifteen
11º - Elu of the Twelve
12º - Master Architect
13º - Royal Arch of Solomon
14º - Perfect Elu
15º - Knight of the East
16º - Prince of Jerusalem
17º - Knight of the East and West
18º - Knight Rose Croix
19º - Pontiff
20º - Master of the Symbolic Lodge
21º - Noachite or Prussian Knight
22º - Knight of the Royal Axe or Prince of Libanus
23º - Chief of the Tabernacle
24º - Prince of the Tabernacle
25º - Knight of the Brazen Serpent
26º - Prince of Mercy
27º - Knight Commander of the Temple
28º - Knight of the Sun or Prince Adept
29º - Scottish Knight of St. Andrew
30º - Knight Kadosh
31º - Inspector Inquistor
32º - Master of the Royal Secret

33º - Sovereign Grand Inspector General

External Freemasonry Links

See an excellent article online explaining how the lower levels of freemasonry are specifically designed to mislead members of lower levels.  The First Degree of Freemasonry.

Also Papal Condemnations of Freemasonry

And the link between Judaism, Freemasonry and Illuminism

Freemasonry Inside Out:

This sensational new analysis of the Masonic brotherhood examines the basic question asked for almost 300 years by the general public and surprisingly by many masons themselves; ‘If Freemasonry is simply a fraternal and charitable organisation, why is there an almost fanatical obsession with secrecy and mysterious rituals?

 Pope Clement XII 1730-1740

Founded in 1717, modern speculative Masonry took on its actual form following the publication by Anderson, a clergyman, of the "Constitutions" in 1723. Fifteen years later, on April 28, 1738, Pope Clement XII in his Pontifical Constitution "In Eminenti" condemned Freemasonry as being Counter-Church and Counter-State. It was the Pontifical reply. Failure to heed it, whether partial or general, by the Church and the State of those days, seems to us as the primordial cause of all our political and religious present day turmoil.

Thus said Pope Clement XII:

"Let us meditate upon the serious evils which are usually the result of those kinds of Societies or centers, not only concerning the peace of temporal States, but still more as regards the salvation of souls. Those Societies are not in agreement with the civil and economic laws of the States."

"In order to close the widely open road to iniquities which might be committed with impunity and also for other reasons, just and reasonable, that have come to our knowledge . . . We have resolved and decreed to condemn and forbid such Societies, assemblies, reunions, conventions, aggregations or meetings called either Freemasonic or known under some other denomination. We condemn and forbid them by this, our present constitution, which is to be considered valid for ever."

However, not only is the condemnation by Pope Clement XII extended to Masonic Sects, but it applies also to all the laymen who, although they are not members of Societies called Freemasonic, favor them, in any manner, thus: "We command to the faithful to abstain from intercourse with those societies . . . in order to avoid excommunication, which will be the penalty imposed upon all those contravening to this, our order. None, except at the point of death, could be absolved of this son except by us or the then existing Roman Pontiff."

The Constitution "In Eminenti" was extended throughout all the Papal States by Cardinal Ferrao's Edict of January 14th, 1739.

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God said in the Quran,

[18:99]. And on that day We shall let some of them surge against others like waves, and the Trumpet will be blown. Then We shall gather them together in one gathering.

[18:100]. On that day We shall present hell to the disbelievers, plain to view,

[18:101]. Those whose eyes were under a covering from My reminder (the Qur'an), and who could not bear to hear.

[18:102]. Do the disbelievers (the devil & his deceived servants) reckon that they can choose My bondmen (all the Good People) as protecting friends beside Me? Lo! We have prepared hell as a welcome for the disbelievers(the devil & his deceived servants).

[18:103]. Say: Shall We inform you who will be the greatest losers in respect of (their) deeds?

[18:104]. "Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life while they thought that they were acquiring good by their deeds!

[18:105]. "They are those who deny the Ayat (proofs,

 evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations,

 etc.) of their Lord and the Meeting with Him (in

 the Hereafter). So their works are in vain, and on the Day of Resurrection, We shall not give them any weight, they are Worthless.

[18:106]. That is their reward: hell, because they disbelieved, and made a jest of Our revelations (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, etc.) and Our messengers.

[18:107]. Lo! those who believe and do good works, theirs are the Gardens of Paradise, for welcome,

[18:108]. Wherein they will abide, with no desire to be removed from thence.

[18:109]. Say: Though the sea became ink for the Words of my Lord, verily the sea would be used up before the Words of my Lord were exhausted, even if We brought the like thereof to supply as ink.

[18:110]. Say (O Muhammad): I am only a mortal like you. My Lord inspireth in me that your God is only One God. And whoever hopeth for the meeting with his Lord, let him do righteous work, and associate none as a partner in the worship of his Lord.

And By That God Declared Victory?
