"THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE" JOHN 8:32........ If you think you are free, think again!

The Current World Order Conspiracy, Has Been Recorded On The Dollar Bill

Chapter 1, Painful Answers! | Jesus Is A True Messenger Of God | Truth about the earth | First Chapter | Guy Carr, Pawns in the Game | Chapter 2, Synagogue of Satan | Chapter 3, The Dollar Bill | Chapter 4, Conspiracy in the Numbers | Chapter 5, The Eye | Chapter 6, The Time Line | Chapter 7, Al Esraa & time line | Surat The Children of Israel | Chapter 8,Armageddon | Chapter 9 Al Asr the map of time,10,11 | chapter12, Numbers in the Universe, Chapter13 | Albert Pike Uncovered | A US GOVERNMENT LIE | Rabbis Opposing Zionism | Divide and Conquer



1st)-The pyramid:-At the base of the pyramid read, MDCCLXXVI *The meaning of these Roman numbers are (M = 1000 + (D = 500) + (CC = 200) + (L = 50) + (XX = 20) + (V = 5) + (I = 1) =1776 THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE Previous WORLD ORDER. Now, you would normally read that as 1776, which is correct. THAT IS THE "OBVIOUS" MEANING OF THOSE LETTERS. But what is the HIDDEN NUMERICAL VALUE OF THOSE LETTERS? And what if we took all of the ‘used’Roman Numerals together and added them up? The following will appear : MDCLXVI with M = 1000, D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10, V=5, and I - 1. Now if we take these letters and add them all up, we come to 1666, that’s, 500+100+50+10+5+1= 1666!

=>2nd :- steps of the pyramid = 13 steps, a plan to the establishment of Israel each step equal to 13 years. Then a secret undeclared period from 1945 until 1997, in this period the capture of Jerusalem, eliminate the enemies of Israel, destroy all super powers, to get ready to build the temple.  From 1997 to 2010, control the middle east, demolish Al-Aqsa mosque, build the temple on Al Aqsa mountain expect the false messiah, the dictator, the new Pharaoh, all before 2010. By 2013 the" New World Order" have to be in control under the leadership of the antichrist. 2013 is their lucky number (1947 the declaration of the establishment of Israel. So, 1947 + 66 = 2013, is that the date of the antichrist or is it world war III)

=>3rd :- The small pyramid means the building of the temple after destroying Al-Aqsa mosque. Then the coming of their false messiah the one that rules the world by one eye, the one that looks sharply on some nations, judges them harshly, and turns a blind eye on others, as if he can’t see.

=> 4th:- From 1945 to 1997 establish of Israel, captor Jerusalem, destroy all governments of the world that does not submit to (Satan, Lucifer, Illuminati, and Masons).

From 1997 to 2010 destroy the mosque in Jerusalem and build the Jewish temple The coming of the “EYE" the “a waited king” = the messiah = falsifier ),  (home land security is the tool to control USA, and the world) one world government, submit or suffer and die.

The Pyramid time line:


America is sleeping and fallowing the line.

 So, starting at the base, 13 steps:

#A)- 1776 + 13 = (constitution that guarantees their freedom) 1789, Declaration of Independence; American Revolution.

#B)- 1789 + 13 = (take control of judicial system) 1802

1789 -French Revolution; Adoption of U.S. Constitution & Great Seal

#C)- 1802 + 13 = (take control of banks and financial institutions) 1815

1802 -Washington, D.C. incorporated.

#D)- 1815 + 13 = (take control of media) 1828

1815 -Congress of Vienna ends Napoleonic era; Convention of Commerce & Navigation established trade with England; Battle of New Orleans.

#E)- 1828 + 13 = 1841,

1828 -Belgium's Independence in Netherlands (location of The Hague -future International Court of Justice established by the U.N. Charter).

1843 -Charles Dickens published A Christmas Carol; first commercial Christmas card published.

#F)- 1841 + 13 = 1854, 1853- Crimean War - Russia against France, Britain, Turkey, and Sardinia over control of Jerusalem's Holy Places.

#G) - 1854 + 13 = 1867, 1867 –Britain back to North American in Canada; Alaska sold to U.S.; Society of Rosicrucian’s formed in England.

#H)- 1867 + 13 = 1880, 1880 -Presidential Seal and Coat of Arms; Egyptian obelisk transferred to New York; Beginning of conquest of Africa by European powers.

#I)- 1880 + 13 = 1893,

1893 -Parliament of World Religions founded.

#J)- 1893 + 13= 1906, 1906 -Bank panic provided excuse to establish Federal Reserve; National Education Association (NEA) incorporated, demolish the Ottoman empire 1908.

#K)- 1906 + 13 = 1919, the Arab countries under their control, mainly Palestine, communist revolution in Russia 1917, 1919 -Treaty of Versailles ended WWI; Paris Peace Conference set up plans for CFR; German Workers Party (Nazi's) founded; Progressive Education Association founded by John Dewey. 1917 Logo


for the communist revolution, goal is to destroy the Russian monarchy and destroying the Eastern Orthodox Church and Islam in central Asia by the Russian communist revolution. Destroy the Ottoman Empire and destroying the Moslem Kalef (the Moslem leadership) this is the symbol of the Turkish mason group that flipped Islam crescent to up side down and put the sward on top of it, to cut it, using the Mason star of the east.

#L)- 1919 + 13 = (transfer the Jews to Palestine)

1932 -Zionist 18th Congress established the Jewish Agency for Palestine.

#M-13) 1932 + 13 = (1945 end of World War II, destroyed Europe, Germany and Pushed the Jews to migrate out the doors of Europe to Palistine, then the creation of Israel 1947, in preparation for World War III, ‘Armageddonby 2011, that’s 1945 + 66 = 2011.

1945 - UNITED NATIONS CHARTER; Yalta Conference; Atomic bomb dropped 1945; From July 4, 1776 to July 4, 1945 equivalent 169 years, that’s 13x13=169.

 From July 4, 1945 to August 6, 1945 (Hiroshima) was 33 days. The bomb was dropped at the 33rd parallel.

This was "Day One" of a new age, the Nuclear Age.

From 1945 to 1997, establish Israel, capture Jerusalem, destroy all the world governments that does not submit to (Satin, Illuminati, Masons, Zionists), in preparation for the Jewish temple, for the coming of the “EYE" the (Ra the false God, the awaited king = the false messiah the falsifier), one world government, submit or suffer and die.


Before these events that we are about to list, there was the coming of Reagan, and Bush senior as a vise president, then was the preparation for these present events by the build up of these specialized armies for war in the desert as the 82nd air born, and the preparing the American public psychologically by the G.I.Joe episodes, in preparation for this present war, also deepening the hatred for America by the involvement of US in the Beirut incident and Sabrah and Shateelah and the US pull out to clear the way for that massacre, its all part of the orchestration of deepening the hatred between the American people and the Muslim people, all for service of the Zionist movement.

 In mention of Reagan and Bush. Was the attempted assassination of Reagan, was that an attempt to replace him by Bush, to speed up their agenda?

=>5th)“ANNUIT COEPTIS”, 13 Letters. “ANNUIT = THE ONE AND ONLY”,“COEPTIS = OLD EGYPT”, maker of this seal is: - “ Pierre Du Simitiere” Looking at the pyramid on the seal connect between the corners of pyramid star it will form the word M, A, S, O, N = MASON :- Hexagram: Also known as the Star of David or Crest of Solomon. This symbol was used by the Egyptians long before the Israelis adopted it. Evil Spirits gather in force at the summons of the person working the "Hex".

=6th)”NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM” = “ the new generation order “, new plan.

 Starting at the base of the pyramid at 1776 until 2010 add in 13 steps to the Establishment of Israel by 1945, then the next stage the preparations to the establishment of the temple, in Jerusalem, they invaded Jerusalem city in 1967, that’s 1945 +22 = 1967, 1967 + 11 = 1978 Peace Accords Egypt and Israel, 1967 + 22 = End of war Iran and Iraq, in preparations for the Kuwait Iraq Episode 1990.

=>7th)the Star of David made of 13 stars that’s Jacob (known as Israel) plus his 12 children; they became after that the 12 tribes of Israel 13 steps to the

establishment of the state of the star (Israel) and the coming of the false messiah. (All masons and devil worshipers of Israeli were cursed by Jesus and David).

=>8th) the flags 13 stripes for 13 steps

=>9th) 13 arrows for 13 steps to be established by the force of the arrows (guns)

=>10th) 13 Letters E PLURIBUS. UNUM out of many, one. Concerning the United States Seal, "Paul Foster Case, author of The Great Seal of the United States, wrote: 'Since the date, 1776, is placed on the bottom course of the pyramid, and since the number 13 has been so important in the symbolism of the seal, it is not unreasonable to suppose that the 13 courses of the pyramid may represent 13 time periods of 13 years each.', "The following chronology shows that, from 1776 onward, significant events pertaining to the plan for a New World Order did occur every 13 years culminating in the founding of the United Nations in 1945, exactly 169 years (13 periods of 13 years each) after the year 1776.

Event #1- November 9, 1989 - Berlin Wall comes tumbling down, completing the deliberate dissolution of the U.S.S.R. and of Communism.

Event #2 - April 11, 1990 -Russian President Gorbachev announced Russia would join New World Order

Event #3 - August 2, 1990 - Iraqi invasion of Kuwait

Event #4 - August 17, 1990 - President Bush [Senior] announced that the Iraqi invasion "threatens the New World Order.

Event #5 - September 11, 1990 - President Bush [Senior] gave a speech to a joint session of the U.S. Congress entitled, "Toward A New World Order".

Event #6 - December 31, 1992 - Formation of Western Europe as the first nation to be formed in the global 10-Nation Reorganization Plan

Event #7 - April 19, 1993 - Waco confrontation

Event #8 - April 19, 1995 - Oklahoma City bombing of the Federal Murrah Building

Event #9 - December 31, 1999 - Washington Monument sprays colored light into the black night sky

Event #10 - August 28 - September 10, 2000 - Three Antichrist Conferences held at the United Nations

Event #11 - September 11, 2001 - Attacks on World Trade Center and the Pentagon

*Event #12 - October 11, 2001 - Tom Brokaw announces the world now has formed into the New World Order

*Event #13 - October 26, 2001 - President Bush signs legislation into law that gives Federal Government dictatorial powers and severely -if not fatally- erodes civil liberties.

The eye of “Ra” the old Egyptian god, on the Dollar. They are in control and believe they are chosen of Satan to control the finances of the world.

In the Jewish Hebrew Cabala code the EYE is the Devil.

Ayin = Eye = The Devil =


If K=11, then 11,11,11 IS JUST LIKE ”KKK” AND THE VALUE IS 33,


AND THAT'S ONE OF THE MASONS SIGNS) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
(Detales in capter-9)
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R 

In FDR’s speech he said:-

 On this day which commemorates the end of fighting between human beings in a world war, it is permissible for me to search back in the history of civilization, in order to visualize important trends.

On the Great Seal of the United States, which, for a century and a half, has reposed in the loving care of a long line of Secretaries of the State, appears these words: "Novus Ordo Seclorum" which means: "A New Order of the Ages." (New World order). But in the scheme of civilization from which ours descends, I suppose we can properly recognize that in 2500 years there have been only a few "New Orders" in the development of human living under a thing called government. (how many different orders for the past generations in the past 2500 years) Without question, the philosophy of orderly government, in which the governed had some voice in civilized society, goes back to the days of ancient Greece. (The gate of manipulation) We must remember, however, that while the philosophy of democracy was first expressed in words and on paper, the practice of it was by no means consistent, and was confined to a relatively small number of human beings, and to a relatively small geographical area.

We come to the Age of Rome - an age of a strange admixture of elections and laws and military conquest and personal dictatorship.

It was an age which extended the civilization of the period to the greater part of the then known world. It was an age which forced its own conception of laws and way of life on millions of less civilized people, who previously had lived under tribal custom of centralized direction.

With Rome's collapse and the overrunning of Europe by vast population movements from farther east, orderly progress deteriorated, and the sword drove learning into hiding. That dark period could hardly be called an Age, because it was an interim between Ages.

Then, with the reawakening of a thousand years ago, with the crusades, the feudal system, the guilds, the kings and the renaissance, that Age which immediately preceded our own was born and grew and flourished.

That was an era of enormous distinction - arts and literature and education and exploration - marching armies, barons, and empires.

Human security was still non-existent. Democracy was not permitted.

Toward its close, however, the appearance of tiny movements in tiny places, led by tiny people, forecast the next vast step forward - the era of 1776 - the Age in which, thank God, we still live. Those beginnings originated, it is true, in the old world - among the philosophers, among the seekers of many kinds of freedom forbidden by those who governed.

There, by processes of trial and error, democracy as it has since been accepted in so many lands, had its birth and its training. We must accept that as fact because, fundamentally, nothing like it had ever existed before.

There came into being the first far-flung government in the entire world whose cardinal principle was democracy - the United States of America.

With the gaining of our political freedom came the conflict between the point of view of Alexander Hamilton, sincerely believing in the superiority of government by a small group of public-spirited and usually wealthy citizens, and the point of view of Thomas Jefferson, an advocate of government by representatives of the people, an advocate of the universal right of free thought, free personal living, free religion, free expression of opinion and, above all, the right of free universal suffrage.

The New Order spread into almost every part of the civilized world. It spread in many forms, and over the next century almost all peoples had acquired some form of popular expression of opinion, some form of elections, of franchises, of the right to be heard.

The Americas and the British Isles led the world in spreading the gospel of democracy among peoples great and small, and the world as a whole felt, with much right, that it had discarded feudalism, conquest, and dictatorship. People felt that way until 1914, when a definite effort was made in a part of the world to destroy this existing "New Order of the Ages"- to destroy it after its relatively short trial, and to substitute for it the doctrine that might makes right.

A hundred years from now, historians will say rightly that the world war preserved the "New Order of the Ages" for at least a whole generation.

I, for one, do not believe that the era of democracy in human affairs can or will be snuffed out in our lifetime. I, for one, do not believe that the world will revert to a modern form of ancient slavery, or to controls vested in modern feudalism, or modern emperors, or modern dictators, or modern oligarchs in these days. The very people under iron heels will themselves rebel.

We, alive today, live and think in terms of our grandparents, and our own parents, and ourselves, and our children - yes, and our grandchildren.

We, alive today - not in the existent democracies alone, but also among the populations of the smaller nations already overrun - are thinking in the larger terms of the maintenance of the "New Order" to which we have been accustomed, and in which we intend to continue. We recognize certain facts of 1940 which did not exist in 1918 - a need for the elimination of aggressive armaments - a need for the breaking down of barriers in a more closely knitted world - a need for restoring honor in the written and spoken word. We recognize that the processes of democracy must be greatly improved, in order that we may attain those purposes


FDR Explains the Meaning of "Nevus Oreo Seclorum"

President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Armistice Day Address
Before the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier November 11, 1940 (the speech was at 11Am November,11),

In FDR’s speech he said:-

 On this day which commemorates the end of fighting between human beings in a world war, it is permissible for me to search back in the history of civilization, in order to visualize important trends.

On the Great Seal of the United States, which, for a century and a half, has reposed in the loving care of a long line of Secretaries of the State, appears these words: "Novus Ordo Seclorum" which means: "A New Order of the Ages." (New World order). But in the scheme of civilization from which ours descends, I suppose we can properly recognize that in 2500 years there have been only a few "New Orders" in the development of human living under a thing called government. (how many different orders for the past generations in the past 2500 years) Without question, the philosophy of orderly government, in which the governed had some voice in civilized society, goes back to the days of ancient Greece. (The gate of manipulation) We must remember, however, that while the philosophy of democracy was first expressed in words and on paper, the practice of it was by no means consistent, and was confined to a relatively small number of human beings, and to a relatively small geographical area.

We come to the Age of Rome - an age of a strange admixture of elections and laws and military conquest and personal dictatorship.

It was an age which extended the civilization of the period to the greater part of the then known world. It was an age which forced its own conception of laws and way of life on millions of less civilized people, who previously had lived under tribal custom of centralized direction.

With Rome's collapse and the overrunning of Europe by vast population movements from farther east, orderly progress deteriorated, and the sword drove learning into hiding. That dark period could hardly be called an Age, because it was an interim between Ages.

Then, with the reawakening of a thousand years ago, with the crusades, the feudal system, the guilds, the kings and the renaissance, that Age which immediately preceded our own was born and grew and flourished.

That was an era of enormous distinction - arts and literature and education and exploration - marching armies, barons, and empires.

Human security was still non-existent. Democracy was not permitted.

Toward its close, however, the appearance of tiny movements in tiny places, led by tiny people, forecast the next vast step forward - the era of 1776 - the Age in which, thank God, we still live. Those beginnings originated, it is true, in the old world - among the philosophers, among the seekers of many kinds of freedom forbidden by those who governed.

There, by processes of trial and error, democracy as it has since been accepted in so many lands, had its birth and its training. We must accept that as fact because, fundamentally, nothing like it had ever existed before.

There came into being the first far-flung government in the entire world whose cardinal principle was democracy - the United States of America.

With the gaining of our political freedom came the conflict between the point of view of Alexander Hamilton, sincerely believing in the superiority of government by a small group of public-spirited and usually wealthy citizens, and the point of view of Thomas Jefferson, an advocate of government by representatives of the people, an advocate of the universal right of free thought, free personal living, free religion, free expression of opinion and, above all, the right of free universal suffrage.

The New Order spread into almost every part of the civilized world. It spread in many forms, and over the next century almost all peoples had acquired some form of popular expression of opinion, some form of elections, of franchises, of the right to be heard.

The Americas and the British Isles led the world in spreading the gospel of democracy among peoples great and small, and the world as a whole felt, with much right, that it had discarded feudalism, conquest, and dictatorship. People felt that way until 1914, when a definite effort was made in a part of the world to destroy this existing "New Order of the Ages"- to destroy it after its relatively short trial, and to substitute for it the doctrine that might makes right.

A hundred years from now, historians will say rightly that the world war preserved the "New Order of the Ages" for at least a whole generation.

I, for one, do not believe that the era of democracy in human affairs can or will be snuffed out in our lifetime. I, for one, do not believe that the world will revert to a modern form of ancient slavery, or to controls vested in modern feudalism, or modern emperors, or modern dictators, or modern oligarchs in these days. The very people under iron heels will themselves rebel.

We, alive today, live and think in terms of our grandparents, and our own parents, and ourselves, and our children - yes, and our grandchildren.

We, alive today - not in the existent democracies alone, but also among the populations of the smaller nations already overrun - are thinking in the larger terms of the maintenance of the "New Order" to which we have been accustomed, and in which we intend to continue. We recognize certain facts of 1940 which did not exist in 1918 - a need for the elimination of aggressive armaments - a need for the breaking down of barriers in a more closely knitted world - a need for restoring honor in the written and spoken word. We recognize that the processes of democracy must be greatly improved, in order that we may attain those purposes.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Armistice Day Address
Before the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier November 11, 1940 (the speech was at 11Am November,11)
 why 11?  11 same as // or \\. So, 11 and 11= / / + \\ WHEN YOU PUT THE LINES TOGETHER YOU GET “^ ” “V” ONE ARROW POINTING UP AND ONE POINTING DOWN, Result IS MASONS LOGO,

Go to Chapter 4, Conspiracy in the Numbers

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God said in the Quran,

[18:99]. And on that day We shall let some of them surge against others like waves, and the Trumpet will be blown. Then We shall gather them together in one gathering.

[18:100]. On that day We shall present hell to the disbelievers, plain to view,

[18:101]. Those whose eyes were under a covering from My reminder (the Qur'an), and who could not bear to hear.

[18:102]. Do the disbelievers (the devil & his deceived servants) reckon that they can choose My bondmen (all the Good People) as protecting friends beside Me? Lo! We have prepared hell as a welcome for the disbelievers(the devil & his deceived servants).

[18:103]. Say: Shall We inform you who will be the greatest losers in respect of (their) deeds?

[18:104]. "Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life while they thought that they were acquiring good by their deeds!

[18:105]. "They are those who deny the Ayat (proofs,

 evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations,

 etc.) of their Lord and the Meeting with Him (in

 the Hereafter). So their works are in vain, and on the Day of Resurrection, We shall not give them any weight, they are Worthless.

[18:106]. That is their reward: hell, because they disbelieved, and made a jest of Our revelations (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, etc.) and Our messengers.

[18:107]. Lo! those who believe and do good works, theirs are the Gardens of Paradise, for welcome,

[18:108]. Wherein they will abide, with no desire to be removed from thence.

[18:109]. Say: Though the sea became ink for the Words of my Lord, verily the sea would be used up before the Words of my Lord were exhausted, even if We brought the like thereof to supply as ink.

[18:110]. Say (O Muhammad): I am only a mortal like you. My Lord inspireth in me that your God is only One God. And whoever hopeth for the meeting with his Lord, let him do righteous work, and associate none as a partner in the worship of his Lord.

And By That God Declared Victory?
