"THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE" JOHN 8:32........ If you think you are free, think again!

First Chapter
Chapter 1, Painful Answers! | Jesus Is A True Messenger Of God | Truth about the earth | First Chapter | Guy Carr, Pawns in the Game | Chapter 2, Synagogue of Satan | Chapter 3, The Dollar Bill | Chapter 4, Conspiracy in the Numbers | Chapter 5, The Eye | Chapter 6, The Time Line | Chapter 7, Al Esraa & time line | Surat The Children of Israel | Chapter 8,Armageddon | Chapter 9 Al Asr the map of time,10,11 | chapter12, Numbers in the Universe, Chapter13 | Albert Pike Uncovered | A US GOVERNMENT LIE | Rabbis Opposing Zionism | Divide and Conquer


Questions should have been asked:-


1- Who and why some one wants to fly an airplane into the world trade center? And who stands to benefit, politically and economically?

2- Was it coincidence that a camera was focusing on the first airplane which slammed into the North Tower? Which was the only known video of the first airplane slamming into he first tower, and that video did not surface until he next day, then how come that bush claims that he watched the first tower being hit which George W. Bush says he saw before he went into the classroom in Florida? Why did he do nothing (except continue listening to a little girl's story about a Goat, and about a Calf that went mad) for half an hour after he was informed that the second jet hit the South Tower (and that America was "under attack")? Did Bush have prior knowledge of the WTC attack? And how could he see a video that was not available until the next day?

*Where the four dancing Israelis that were dancing and TV broadcasting? To whom they were broadcasting?

3- If the children class room visit was staged to make a statement by his appearance, then whey they picked a story about a Goat, and about a mad calf? Why the goat? And why the calf?

4-Why would hijackers intending to crash a plane into the Pentagon, hijack a jet from Dulles Airport near Washington DC (and thus close to the Pentagon) and allow it to fly for 40 minutes away from its target before turning around and flying another 40 minutes back to it (knowing that interception by military jets during this time would in normal conditions have been very likely)?

5-Why would hijackers intending to crash planes into the WTC hijack jets taking off from Boston rather than from someplace closer such as JFK Airport in New York?

6- How did the so called terrorists, fined their way to the world trade center and to the Pentagon, from high altitude, above the clouds? Experts fined it hard to do without help from the ground!

How could some one with no skills able to fly into a small target on a very high speed? Experts can’t do it.

7- How could pilots give up the cockpits so easily to a couple of gays with cardboard box plaids?

8- Why the pilots did not send any kind of a distress signal call?

9-Considering that all persons on board all four planes died, how did the FBI come up so quickly with a list of names of the alleged nineteen Arab hijackers - including aliases used by fourteen of them, in some cases seven aliases, (see the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 2001-09-27)? Why there were no Arab names on the passenger lists at all? Did the FBI prepare in advance a list of the names (and aliases) of the (alleged) "Arab hijackers" on those flights?

10-Could few men from the desert of Afghanistan or Arabia with very limited skills on small airplanes be able to carry out a so sophisticated plan like that?

11-why would those so called bad, bad, Muslims want to do such a thing?

12-Are we asked to believe, that one of the hijackers passport, was found out in the streets? Are we asked to believe, that one of the hijackers brought his passport with him on a domestic fight, even though he knew he would not need it then, or ever again; Are we asked to believe, that upon impact the passport flew from the hijacker's pocket (or was he holding it in his hands?

13-Why would the take-off time and the passenger list be held secret?

14-Is it true that USAma Ben Ladeen” a CIA agent years before?

15- How does the US know, the size of his fortune? Does the FBI know his banker? And given that the world's banking system is highly centralized and in the hands of Mr. bin Ladeen's a vowed enemy, how could our terrorist tent-dweller, have retained his fortune all these years? If Mr. bin Ladeen could have pulled this off in New York, why didn't he pick on his more direct enemy, Israel, and do a 911 on them?

15-Why did the South Tower collapse first, 56 minutes after it was hit, rather than the North Tower (which was hit first and collapsed 1 hour and 44 minutes after being hit), even though the fire in the North Tower (the alleged cause of the collapse) was more intense?

16- why did building 7 collapsed even though it was not hit by an airplane or any thing?

 17-Why did the world trade center towers collapsed? The damage to the towers was only to the top floors, also in the case of the second tower, it was actually hit on the side corner where most of the jet fuel got burned in a fire ball out side the towers?

18- Why their was a series of explosions wile it was collapsing?

19- Who was behind demolishing the world trade centers?

20-Were bombs planted within these buildings, to decisively bring them down? Which will provide a more shocking and devastating effect?

21- If so, then how did they get there un-noticed and who set them off?

22- Who was responsible for security for the world trade center complex?

23-Why are the architect's plans of the Twin Towers not publicly available?

24-Would jet fuel burning in an enclosed space (with little oxygen available for combustion) actually produce temperatures high enough (1538°C, i.e. 2800°F) to melt massive steel beams (and all the steel beams, since steel conducts heat efficiently) enclosed in concrete in just 56 minutes? If so, wouldn't the Twin Towers have buckled and bent, and toppled over onto the surrounding buildings in the Lower Manhattan financial district, rather than collapsing neatly upon themselves in the manner of a controlled demolition?

25-Why were such huge quantities of ash and dust produced? How could fire convert concrete into dust? Has the ash been chemically analyzed to determine what it really is and how it might have been produced?

26-Is it not the case that the Twin Towers collapsed, not because of airliner impacts and fires, but because they were expertly demolished?

27- why all 7 buildings of the World Trade Center complex collapsed, even though 2 building only got attacked, even though they ware relatively far from the two main buildings?

28- Why all the 7 buildings caught fire, even though they war relatively far from the two main buildings?

29- why they claim that the buildings collapsed because of the fire, even though fires never in history destroyed a steel frame building?

30-how did a few little fires cause building 7 to crumble? Fire never destroyed a steal building? 

31- the Word Trade Canters Towers were built by the taxpayers and it was owned by the government until July 24, 2001, where it was leased for 99 years for Larry Silverstein, that’s less than 2 months before they got destroyed, is that a coincidence?

32-The four AA and UA jets took off with an average occupancy rate of 27%. That four airliners from major airlines leaving from the East Coast around 9 a.m. on a weekday for the West Coast would all have such low occupancy rates is highly unlikely. Was the booking system tampered with in order to ensure such low occupancy rates.

33-Who stood to benefit from the complete destruction of the Twin Towers?

34-Why was the debris from the collapsed Twin Towers removed from the site with no forensic examination? Why was almost all of it sold to scrap merchants and shipped abroad where it would not be available for scientific examination?

35-In September the Securities and Exchange Commission initiated an inquiry to establish who benefited from the unusually high numbers of put options purchased prior to September 11 for shares in companies whose stock prices subsequently plummeted, on the supposition that whoever was behind the hijacking was also behind most of the purchases of these put options. Why has this inquiry stalled? Why have those who benefited from the purchases of these put options not been identified (or at least, not publicly)?

The editor of Fire engineering magazine was so disgusted with the investigation said in the January 2002 issue said that the investigation that FEMA conducted is ”a half baked Farce ( Mockery )”

Why did they shipped and soled the remains of the buildings to a foreign countries as scrap metals while these are considered as crime evidence? Why they destroyed the rest of the rubles of those buildings?

36- Why their was no videos to flight 77 that supposedly have crashed into the pentagon, in a bright day light in a very highly monitored building such as the pentagon?

37- What was the actual size of the entrance hole made by the object which hit the Pentagon? Is it not the case that photo evidence reveals that it was in fact at most, just a few meters in diameter, much too small to have been made by a Boeing 757 jet, but just the right size for a missile, or a Global Hawk a robotized air craft?

38-Why no aircraft fragments recovered from the Pentagon crash site? No Boeing 757 fragments, no remains of the approximately sixty passengers and crew on the jet which allegedly hit the Pentagon returned to relatives for burial?

39- AA Flight 77 (the jet which allegedly crashed into the Pentagon) was allegedly hijacked at about 9 a.m., at about the same time as the Twin Tower impacts, and its change of course back toward Washington, or its transponder having been turned off, would have been known to flight controllers, who were aware of the impacts; why, then, were U.S. Air Force jets not scrambled to intercept AA Flight 77 forty minutes before it (allegedly) hit the Pentagon, when there were U.S. Air Force jets at seven sites, normally ready to take off at ten minutes' notice?

40- Why their was no 757 airplane debris or human remains at the pentagon, which would have equaled 64 tons of debris and passenger material?

41- Why the pictures that the pentagon released for the explosion don’t show an airplane hitting the pentagon?

42- Why the pentagon lied about not having any pictures of the explosion of the pentagon?

43-In particular, what is on the FDR and the CVR from UA Flight 93, the jet which crashed in Pennsylvania? Why, exactly, did this jet crash? Was it shot down?

44- Where are the remains of the passengers and crew?

45- Is it a coincidence, that the supposedly flight 77, hit the empty part of the pentagon, which was under renovation?

Dave vonKleist for the Power Hour radio says “the real conspiracy theory that flight 77 hit the pentagon”

45-Why the FAA, the FBI, the CIA and NSA refusing to release any transcripts of communications from the four doomed Boeings on September 11th or any records at all relating to signals of any form transmitted by those jets?

46-Where are the black boxes (the flight data recorders and the cockpit voice recorders) from all four jets? These black boxes are designed to survive any crash. Have they been examined by experts from the National Transportation Safety Board, the agency which normally investigates airplane crashes? If not, why not?

47-"Workers at Indian Lake Marina [six miles from the place where UA Flight 93   crashed] said that they saw a cloud of confetti-like debris descend on the lake and nearby farms minutes after hearing the explosion that signaled the crash [or the attack on the jet] at 10:06 a.m. Tuesday." (Pittsburg Post Gazette, Sept. 13, 2001) If this plane was not shot down, but rather remained intact until hitting the ground, how could this debris travel the six miles from the crash site to Indian Lake in minutes when there was only a 10 mph wind blowing? (For wind-borne debris to travel six miles in, say, six minutes requires a 60 mph wind.)

48-Were the conversations between the pilots of the other three hijacked planes and air traffic controllers recorded? If so, what did those pilots say? Were those recordings seized by the FBI? Were (alleged) transcripts given by the FBI to the mainstream media? Were those transcripts fabricated to provide false evidence in support of the "Arab hijackers" story? 

49-In view of the $30 billion given annually to the FBI, the CIA and other U.S. ‘intelligence’ agencies, why were these agencies completely unaware (or so they say) of this plot before they saw its results on CNN? why has this apparent failure been rewarded with yet more billions?

50-Is it not the case that this atrocity was planned and carried out by elements at high levels of command in the U.S. Air Force, the CIA, the Justice Department and FEMA (possibly with the involvement of well-placed civilians outside the government), acting under orders from, or with the approval of, high officials within the U.S. Administration, and that those same elements are now directing a propaganda campaign against the American people to justify a war of aggression in Asia and the Middle East aimed at controlling the oil and mineral wealth of those regions? And fulfilling a long planed Zionist agenda?

51-Why the Bush administration invaded Afghanistan before the investigation even began?

53 Is it a coincidence that Senator Paul Wellstone, who was resisting the war on Iraq, died mysteriously in an Airplane crash?

54- Why they used the same investigator who investigated the Egyptian airplane which crashed mysteriously in the Atlantic after it took off from New York?

55- On October 31, 1999, Why the Egyptian co-pilot Gamil el-Batouty lost control of his airplane, Egypt Air Flight 990, minutes after it took off from New York airport after it reached 33,000 feet altitude, it went diving, into the ocean, killing him and 217 passengers, including 33 of the top Egyptian army officers? Is it the pilot or is it Israeli Mossad?

56- Is it a coincidence that the same Air traffic control that watched over the crash of Egypt Air 990 is the same that watched over the two planes that hit the WTC Towers, flight 11 and flight 175?

57- (JF. Kennedy, Jr., and his wife, Carolyn Bessette got killed in a plane crash, investigators said after they saw his airplane on radar, dive sharply towards the water, that he committed suicide by driving his airplane into the water, killing him self, his wife and his sister-in-law).

Have Americans ever wondered, that the democracy that they ware serving, is no longer exists?

58- After David Kelly of England said there is no weapon of mass destruction he was found died. The so called ‘investigators’ said, it was a suicide is that a coincidence?

59-Why the FBI and the investigators not looking into this possibility? is it because they are involved?

60-Would the CIA and its allies the Israeli Mossad conspire to attack America!?

58-Why Ben Ladeen” took responsibility for something that he couldn't possibly do? knowing that it will bring Afghanistan and his people a complete destruction!

59-Why build a jail in Cuba?

There are a lot of prisons in America, why did the Bush administration built a special prison for those who are captured in Afghanistan? Why not bring them to the main land in America? Are they afraid of the US Justice System, or are they afraid of the amarican people to have access to them, or they don’t trust their own US system?

60- How many violations have they conducted in Afghanistan and Iraq? Bush administration holds about 43,000 thousand prisoners in Iraq, how are they treated? prisoners in the US were treated very bad when they were questioned after the 911, how is the treatment of the prisoners out side the US were no body is watching or monitoring his actions?

61-All those who gain power are afraid to lose it, but the question is, what will they do to stay in power?

62-After the invasion of Iraq, why did they allow the killing of all civilians, by using cluster bombs, and other kinds of mass destruction weapons, in the civilian arias? Is it to orchestrate revenge attacks? Why they allowed all the looting, and chaos, to happen?

63- if the chaos was to steel all the valuables and artifacts, and even highly enriched uranium, and more than 400 tons of the most dangerous explosive materials, but was their another reason? What’s their plan?



& The Prophecy of world war III

·     Gain insight, as to what might await us in the future.

·     So startling you will never look at the news and media the same way again.

·     Learn the method that Nostradamus may have used in making his predictions.


Introduction………………………………..............Page 1

Chapter 1,The making of World War III….………........... .....Page 3

Chapter 2; Synagogue (church) of satan……….…………..........Page 26

Chapter 3; The current world order conspiracy visible on the Dollar bill…….Page 51

Chapter 4; The smell of the conspiracy is in the numbers!.Page 55

Chapter 5; The eye and the face behind the Pyramid!.........Page 62

Chapter 6; Can any body tell the future? The time line..….Page 67

Chapter 7; Insight from Surat al Esra’a and the end of the curse!.Page 79

Chapter 8; ARMAGEDDON begins by uncovering a treasure of Gold (oil)....Page 106

Chapter 9; The map of time, Inspired by the Holy Quran....Page 110

Chapter 10; Theory of Surat Al-aser possibly the method of Nostradamus.....Page 121

Chapter 11; The Relationship Between the Quran and Modern Science….…...Page 116

Chapter 12; The universe represented by letters & numbers.Page 125

Chapter 13; the Matrix Movie and the parallel Uneverse ...Page 135


 In the Name of Allah (GOD), the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful, [2:255]. Allah! There is no God except Him, the Alive, the Eternal, none has the right to be worshipped but He, the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists. Neither slumber, nor sleep overtake Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth. Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His Permission? He knoweth that which is in front of them (Creatures) and that which is behind them, while they encompass nothing of His knowledge except what He Permits. His throne includeth the heavens and the earth, and He is never weary of preserving them. He is the Most High, the Most Great. [2:256]. There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever rejecteth false deities and believeth in Allah, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break. And Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower. [2-257]. Allah is-the Protecting Friend of those who believe. He bringeth them out of darkness into light. As for those who disbelieve, their patrons and supporters are false deities. They bring them out of light into darkness. Such are rightful owners of the Fire. They will abide therein.

 There is a very clear indication that this civilization, is in deadly danger of collapsing. We don't know exactly how much time left, before the end comes, but looking at what’s happening in the world, it’s obviously near.

Civilizations usually decline, when reason is turned upside down, when the ugly and corrupt, are made to appear the norms of social and cultural expressions, when evil, under a variety of masks takes the place of good. People of this generation have become the willing, puzzled victims of such deception. The moral bankruptcy of the world society is well documented. Few people understand why the US and the rest of the world have become morally bankrupt. However, when we look at society through God’s holy books, through the Quran and the Bible; we can easily see why we are facing the unprecedented troubles today, never before has man been left without guidance or compass, divorced from reality without religion."

Looking into our present situation, we find that the entire world is running in a satanic circle, or under a spell of black magic, preformed by the media, under the direct management of illuminati, (stands for the followers of Lucifer, satan). This is the same magical spell that Hitler used, and preformed on the German people, that spell turned Germans then, into monsters, that had no feelings for any human being and the German republic became the very evil that they were seeking to destroy. Now this administration is performing the same magical spell that Hitler used before; all under the direct management of the CIA, and the White House. This spell is turning people into a tool of evil, which they are not aware of, its dragging them in the slumps of life and they don't know what is happening to them. They cannot see, or understand the situation, as if they were hypnotized, or brain washed

There is two ways to make someone senseless ignorant, one way is to prevent him from knowledge, information, and commonsense! The other way is by feeding him the wrong knowledge! A knowledge that will tilt his scales! Information that make no sense! And the second one is worse? Because when someone’s mind is full of nonsense, there would be no place for common sense in him. And you cant lead him into the logic of truth. Such person will be running in a circle of ignorance, but he would think that he is going some where! The only way out of this circle, is to be sensible and logical.

Adolph Hitler said, "How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think.”

  When Adolph Hitler was building his power base in Germany, there were few people who awakened and realized what was going on. There were some people who were sounding the alarm of what they could see happening, but these people were ignored by most. Those who ignored the warnings soon found themselves living in tyranny and many wondered how this scenario could have happened to them. It is exactly the same today.

This severe psychological spill is preformed on us but we wouldn’t be able to see it until we believe that it exists. And only then, we may understand it.

People are too distracted with every day’s business to stop and think. Also like the late 1930's people are going to be shocked when hard times come and they may lose their freedom. Those people will continue to be controlled and manipulated like a flock of sheep and will know it not. They truly will be slaves! Most of the people today cannot handle the truth, or understand it, they do not want the TRUTH; they would rather feel comfortable. Most of the people do not want to learn the truth for they fear it will breach their comfort zones. Most of the people simply choose a world view they feel comfortable with and if evidence contradictory to that world view is presented to them, they ignore it. They believe that if they ignore it, it will go away. On the other hand, Satanists view the "truth" as a virus, a virus that they call a “virus idea”, a virus that they can not fight, the truth for them, is like the light for the vampires, a light that burns them, if the light comes out, but for us the truth is light and the way out from all the deceiving systems of satan. And like the vampires fictional world, the big vampires are always in hiding in the dark corners of the dark side and they leave the small vampires to do their dirty work, and the ignorant small vampires taking their chances, they think the sun will not rise.

Most of the people, do rely on the so called officials, to think for them, they think that they do not have the authority, or the license to use their minds, So, they just follow their so called leaders, they follow them like a flock of sheep, to the slaughter house. Most of the people, cannot get over thinking differently than their forefathers and their communities, they think that they have to copy without thinking, or questioning the logic of their leaders' ideas. They also think that they have to eliminate anybody that adopts an idea deferent than that of their deceived forefathers.

 When God created the human being, he inserted goodness, love and mercy in their hearts. But, people neglect their hearts and forgot to maintain them. Then the dust accumulates on their hearts, layers after layers, until all the goodness is buried under all that layers of dust and debris. Then satan came and sat on top of it all. Then those people become like monsters walking on earth.

The message in this website is for all people, for all hearts, in the hope that it may shake it and make a crack in these layers of dibris on top of those hearts. Then all the good in these hearts will break loose like a volcano that will burn evil.

The goal of this message, is to open the doors of truth, where no body can close, and to close the doors of the dark side, the doors of ignorance and evil, in the hope that nobody could open those doors again. This is a study of America and the world, through God’s holy books, for an eye-opening truth. And on the foundation of truth we will erect the structures of the explanations.

Questions should have been asked:-

1-In view of the $30 billion given annually to the FBI, the CIA and other U.S. ‘intelligence’ agencies, why were these agencies completely unaware (or so they say) of this plot before they saw its results on CNN? why has this apparent failure been rewarded with yet more billions?

2-The four AA and UA jets took off with an average occupancy rate of 27%. That four airliners from major airlines leaving from the East Coast around 9 a.m. on a weekday for the West Coast would all have such low occupancy rates is highly unlikely. Was the booking system tampered with in order to ensure such low occupancy rates.

3-Why would hijackers intending to crash planes into the WTC hijack jets taking off from Boston rather than from someplace closer such as JFK Airport in New York?

4-Why would hijackers intending to crash a plane into the Pentagon, hijack a jet from Dulles Airport near Washington DC (and thus close to the Pentagon) and allow it to fly for 40 minutes away from its target before turning around and flying another 40 minutes back to it (knowing that interception by military jets during this time would in normal conditions have been very likely)?

5-What was the actual size of the entrance hole made by the object which hit the Pentagon? Is it not the case that photo evidence reveals that it was in fact at most, just a few meters in diameter, much too small to have been made by a Boeing 757 jet, but just the right size for a missile, or a Global Hawk a robotized air craft?

6-Why no aircraft fragments recovered from the Pentagon crash site? No Boeing 757 fragments, no remains of the approximately sixty passengers and crew on the jet which allegedly hit the Pentagon returned to relatives for burial?

7- AA Flight 77 (the jet which allegedly crashed into the Pentagon) was allegedly hijacked at about 9 a.m., at about the same time as the Twin Tower impacts, and its change of course back toward Washington, or its transponder having been turned off, would have been known to flight controllers, who were aware of the impacts; why, then, were U.S. Air Force jets not scrambled to intercept AA Flight 77 forty minutes before it (allegedly) hit the Pentagon, when there were U.S. Air Force jets at seven sites, normally ready to take off at ten minutes' notice?

8- Why their was no 757 airplane debris or human remains at the pentagon, which would have equaled 64 tons of debris and passenger material?

9- Why the pictures that the pentagon released for the explosion don’t show an airplane hitting the pentagon?

10- Why the pentagon lied about not having any pictures of the explosion of the pentagon?

11- Is it a coincidence, that the supposedly flight 77, hit the empty part of the pentagon, which was under renovation?

12-Why the FAA, the FBI, the CIA and NSA refusing to release any transcripts of communications from the four doomed Boeings on September 11th or any records at all relating to signals of any form transmitted by those jets?

13- why all 7 buildings of the World Trade Center complex collapsed, even though 2 building only got attacked, even though they ware relatively far from the two main buildings?

14- Why all the 7 buildings caught fire, even though they ware relatively far from the two main buildings?

15- why they claim that the buildings collapsed because of the fire, even though fires never in history destroyed a steel frame building?

16-how did a few little fires cuse building 7 to crumble? Fire never destroyed a steal building? 

17- the Word Trade Canters Towers were built by the taxpayers and it was owned by the government until July 24, 2001, where it was leased for 99 years for Larry Silverstein, that’s less than 2 months before they got destroyed, is that a coincidence?

18-Where are the black boxes (the flight data recorders and the cockpit voice recorders) from all four jets? These black boxes are designed to survive any crash. Have they been examined by experts from the National Transportation Safety Board, the agency which normally investigates airplane crashes? If not, why not?

19-In particular, what is on the FDR and the CVR from UA Flight 93, the jet which crashed in Pennsylvania? Why, exactly, did this jet crash? Was it shot down?

20- How did the so called terrorists fined their way to the world trade center and to the Pentagon, from high altitude, above the clouds? Experts fined it hard to do without help from the ground!

21- How could some one with no skills able to fly into a small target on a very high speed? Experts can’t do it.

22- How could pilots give up the cockpits so easily to a couple of gays with cardboard box opener plaids?

23- Why the pilots did not send any kind of a distress signal call?

24- Why their was no witnesses to flight 77 that supposedly have crashed into the pentagon, in a bright day light in a very densely populated aria?

25- Where are the remains of the passengers and crew?

26-"Workers at Indian Lake Marina [six miles from the place where UA Flight 93 crashed] said that they saw a cloud of confetti-like debris descend on the lake and nearby farms minutes after hearing the explosion that signaled the crash [or the attack on the jet] at 10:06 a.m. Tuesday." (Pittsburg Post Gazette, Sept. 13, 2001) If this plane was not shot down, but rather remained intact until hitting the ground, how could this debris travel the six miles from the crash site to Indian Lake in minutes when there was only a 10 mph wind blowing? (For wind-borne debris to travel six miles in, say, six minutes requires a 60 mph wind.)

27-Were the conversations between the pilots of the other three hijacked planes and air traffic controllers recorded? If so, what did those pilots say? Were those recordings seized by the FBI? Were (alleged) transcripts given by the FBI to the mainstream media? Were those transcripts fabricated to provide false evidence in support of the "Arab hijackers" story?

28- Who was focusing his camera on the North Tower at the time of impact, which was the source of the transmission of the North Tower impact which George W. Bush says he saw before he went into the classroom in Florida? Why did he do nothing (except continue listening to a little girl's story about a Goat, and about a Calf that went mad) for half an hour after he was informed that the second jet hit the South Tower (and that America was "under attack")? Did Bush have prior knowledge of the WTC attack?

29- Why the Video of the first tower getting hit is being suppressed out of the media?

30-Considering that all persons on board all four planes died, how did the FBI come up so quickly with a list of names of the alleged nineteen Arab hijackers - including aliases used by fourteen of them, in some cases seven aliases (see the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 2001-09-27)? (some of those 19 actualy still allive, they just hapen to loose there pasports when they came to the US), Why there were no Arab names on the passenger lists at all? Did the FBI prepare in advance a list of the names (and aliases) of the (alleged) "Arab hijackers" on those flights?

31-Why did the South Tower collapse first, 56 minutes after it was hit, rather than the North Tower (which was hit first and collapsed 1 hour and 44 minutes after being hit), even though the fire in the North Tower (the alleged cause of the collapse) was more intense?

32-If the outer perimeter walls of the Twin Towers were connected to the central cores only by lightweight trusses, how was wind load on the towers transmitted to the central core (as it must have been because the floors did not buckle in a strong wind)?

33-What exactly was the nature of the structural connections between the outer perimeter wall and the central core of the two towers? Is it not false that this consisted only of lightweight flimsy trusses? Is it not the case that the connection was actually made with 32,000 tons of steel beams?

34-Why are the architect's plans of the Twin Towers not publicly available?

35-Would jet fuel burning in an enclosed space (with little oxygen available for combustion) actually produce temperatures high enough (1538°C, i.e. 2800°F) to melt massive steel beams enclosed in concrete in just 56 minutes? If so, wouldn't the Twin Towers have buckled and bent, and toppled over onto the surrounding buildings in the Lower Manhattan financial district, rather than collapsing neatly upon themselves in the manner of a controlled demolition?

36-Were the Twin Towers re-engineered in the mid-1990s to make possible a collapse-on-demand if that were judged necessary? Was FEMA aware of this? Do blueprints of the Twin Towers in the possession of the past owners reveal any evidence of this?

37-Why were such huge quantities of ash and dust produced? How could fire convert concrete into dust? Has the ash been chemically analyzed to determine what it really is and how it might have been produced?

38-Is it not the case that the Twin Towers collapsed, not because of airliner impacts and fires, but because they were expertly demolished?

39-Who stood to benefit from the complete destruction of the Twin Towers?

40-Why was the debris from the collapsed Twin Towers removed from the site with no forensic examination? Why was almost all of it sold to scrap merchants and shipped abroad where it would not be available for scientific examination?

41-In September the Securities and Exchange Commission initiated an inquiry to establish who benefited from the unusually high numbers of put options purchased prior to September 11 for shares in companies whose stock prices subsequently plummeted, on the supposition that whoever was behind the hijacking was also behind most of the purchases of these put options. Why has this inquiry stalled? Why have those who benefited from the purchases of these put options not been identified (or at least, not publicly)?

42-Why the Video of Building 7 collapsing is being suppressed out of the media?

43-Is it not the case that this atrocity was planned and carried out by elements at high levels of command in the U.S. Air Force, the CIA, the Justice Department and FEMA (possibly with the involvement of well-placed civilians outside the government), acting under orders from, or with the approval of, high officials within the U.S. Administration, and that those same elements are now directing a propaganda campaign against the American people to justify a war of aggression in Asia and the Middle East aimed at controlling the oil and mineral wealth of those regions? And fulfilling a long planed Zionist agenda?

44-Why the U.S. media is ignoring these questions?

45-Why 4000 Israeli worker did not go to work that day?

46-Why all the so-called kidnapped planes could not call for help or report kidnapping? It just takes a second.

47-Why air planes sensors for location were turned of?

48-Could few men from the desert of Afghanistan or Arabia with very limited skills on small airplanes be able to carry out a so sophisticated plot like that?

49-Why the Bush administration invaded Afghanistan before even the investigation began?

50-Is it true that Ben Ladeen” a CIA agent years before?

51- Why they didn’t do anything about his fortune?

52- Why there was a camera watching the fist tower when it got hit? As if they were expecting this.

53- Is it a coincidence that Senator Paul Wellstone, who was resisting the war on Iraq, died mysteriously in an Airplane crash?

54- Why they used the same investigator who investigated the Egyptian airplane which crashed mysteriously in the Atlantic after it took off from New York?

55- On October 31, 1999, Why the Egyptian co-pilot Gamil el-Batouty lost control of his airplane, Egypt Air Flight 990, minutes after it took off from New York airport after it reached 33,000 feet altitude, it went diving, into the ocean, killing him and 217 passengers, including 33 of the top Egyptian army officers, and scientists? Is it the pilot or is it Israeli Mossad?

56- Is it a coincidence that the same Air traffic control that watched over the crash of Egypt Air 990 is the same that watched over the two planes that hit the WTC Towers, flight 11 and flight 175?

57- (JF. Kennedy, Jr., and his wife, Carolyn Bessette got killed in a plane crash, investigators said after they saw his airplane on radar, dive sharply towards the water, that he committed suicide by driving his airplane into the water, killing him self, his wife and his sister-in-law).

Are you a terrorist? If you don't know, you'd better find out fast. Because Uncle Sam's made a list and he's checking it twice -- "40 to 50 countries" targeted for possible "U.S. action," according to America's securely-located vice president, Dick "Chicken Hawk" Cheney. As the man says, a hard rain's a-gonna fall. But Spain is safe --for now at least. Washington D.C.May 5/02

Click hear to read the CIA document "The Project for the new American century"

The Project for the New American Century, or PNAC, is a Washington-based think tank created in 1997.

Chapter 1; the making of World War III

The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists." J. Edgar Hoover.

"The size of the lie is a definite factor in causing it to be believed, for the vast masses of the nation are in the depths of their hearts more easily deceived than they are consciously and intentionally bad. The primitive simplicity of their minds renders them a more easy prey to a big lie than a small one, for they themselves often tell little lies but would be ashamed to tell a big one." Adolph Hitler

Adolph Hitler said, "How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think.”

The Illuminist Plan calls for the Third World War:

The Making of the new Pearl Harbor that will propel the world, to the new world order.

For this third world war to happen they need a spark, and that spark is already been planed and redesigned.

 In a September, 2000 leaked out document called The Project for the new American century”, they said that they need to have another Pearl Harbor in order to rebuild America on a new foundation (page 51), exclusively for the service of the military, to accomplish that goal this Pearl Harbor must happen.

Next is some of this document, manifesting there evil intentions and why they need this new catastrophic event:


To preserve American military preeminence in the coming decades, the Department of Defense must move more aggressively to experiment with new technologies and operational concepts, and seek to exploit the emerging revolution in military affairs. Information technologies, in particular, are becoming more prevalent and significant components of modern military systems.

 These information technologies are having the same kind of transforming effects on military affairs as they are having in the larger world. The effects of this military transformation will have profound implications for how wars are fought, what kinds of weapons will dominate the battlefield and, inevitably, which nations enjoy military preeminence.

The United States enjoys every prospect of leading this transformation. Indeed, it was the improvements in capabilities acquired during the American defense buildup of the 1980s that hinted at and then confirmed, during Operation Desert Storm, that a revolution in military affairs was at hand. At the same time, the process of military transformation will present opportunities for America’s adversaries to develop new capabilities that in turn will create new challenges for U.S. military preeminence.

Moreover, the Pentagon, constrained by limited budgets and pressing current missions, has seen funding for experimentation and transformation crowded out in recent years. Spending on military research and development has been reduced dramatically over the past decade. Indeed, during the mid-1980’s, when the Defense Department was in the midst of the Reagan buildup which was primarily an effort to expand existing forces and field traditional weapons systems, research spending represented 20 percent of total Pentagon budgets. By contrast, today’s research and development accounts total only 8 percent of defense spending. And even this reduced total is primarily for upgrades of current weapons. Without increased spending on basic research and development the United States will be unable to exploit the RMA and preserve its technological edge on future battlefields. Any serious effort at transformation must occur within the larger framework of U.S. national security strategy, military missions and defense budgets. The United States cannot simply declare a “strategic pause” while experimenting with new technologies and operational concepts. Nor can it choose to pursue a transformation strategy that would decouple American and allied interests.

A transformation strategy that solely pursued capabilities for projecting force from the United States, for example, and sacrificed forward basing and presence, would be at odds with larger American

Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century

(Page 51): policy goals and would trouble American allies.

Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor. Domestic politics and industrial policy will shape the pace and content of transformation as much as the requirements of current missions. A decision to suspend or terminate aircraft carrier production, as recommended by this report and as justified by the clear direction of military technology, will cause great upheaval. Likewise, systems entering production today - the F-22 fighter, for example - will be in service inventories for decades to come. Wise management of this process will consist in large measure of figuring out the right moments to halt production of current-paradigm weapons and shift to radically new designs. The expense associated with some programs can make them roadblocks to the larger process of transformation - the Joint Strike Fighter program, at a total of approximately $200 billion, seems an unwise investment. Thus, this report advocates a two-stage process of change - transition and transformation - over the coming decades.

In general, to maintain American military preeminence that is consistent with the requirements of a strategy of American global leadership, tomorrow’s U.S. armed forces must meet three new missions:

*  Global missile defenses. A network against limited strikes, capable of protecting the United States, its allies and forward-deployed forces, must be constructed. This must be a layered system of land, sea, air and space based components.

* Control of space and cyberspace. Much as control of the high seas - and the protection of international commerce - defined global powers in the past, so will control of the new “international commons” be a key to world power in the future. An America incapable of protecting its interests or that of its allies in space or the “info sphere” will find it difficult to exert global political leadership.

Pursuing a two-stage strategy for of transforming conventional forces. In exploiting the “revolution in military affairs,” the Pentagon must be driven by the enduring missions for U.S. forces. This process will have two stages: transition, featuring a mix of current and new systems; and true transformation, featuring new systems, organizations and operational concepts. This process must take a competitive approach, with services and joint-service operations competing for new roles and missions. Any successful process of transformation must be linked to the services, which are the institutions within the Defense Department with the ability and the responsibility for linking budgets and resources to specific missions.

From the Wilderness - TIMELINE

Michael Ruppert Reports "Oh Lucy! - You Gotta Lotta 'Splainin To Do"

[June 19, 2002] -- As the revelations of Bush Administration foreknowledge have progressed from silence, to trickle, to cascade, the question has now changed from forcing the evidence into the open into one of forcing both the media and the people to avoid denying this information in the hopes that their desire for a sense of "normalcy" can be fulfilled. As many of us have known for years, normalcy went out the window forever when the first plane hit the tower. And what has been revealed will not be resolved with an expensive fact-finding commission, a few firing, or even an impeachment proceeding. What is needed in America -- and in the global economic system -- is an overhaul, not a tune up.

Have Americans ever wondered, that the democracy that they ware serving, is no longer exists?

In the house of the Blind, the one-eyed man is a King


The TV, radio, news papers, and all the media, are in their hands. The more you listen, the more you are deceived, the more you watch, the less you know!  A movie director in Hollywood is trained to control your feelings when you watch a movie, they can make you cheerful or sad, scared or exited, they can make you love a devil and view him as a hero, and it can make you hate a guardian angel and see him as a hated devil! All the director wants, is to be given the stage and then it’s very important to turn off the light, and “WO” to any body attempts to turn on the light. Events on the stages of news and media, are directed and controlled by a very professional directors (conspiracy designer) such as Henry Kissinger and James Baker.

Iraq is the gate to the new satanic order:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) White House July 13, 2005.

- The husband of a CIA agent whose identity was revealed amid debate over the Iraq war accused the White House on Thursday of being involved in a giant "cover-up" in the scandal and said President Bush should fire his top aide Karl Rove. "There's been a web of lies that underpin the justification for going to war in Iraq," said Wilson, who worked for the first Bush administration. (Larry Downing/Reuters)

The Iraq wars in 1990 and 2003, that they themselves orchestrated, and preformed with all the actors in this game, one of which is Bush and Blair, will give birth to a new ‘free Iraq”, and that freedom is yet to come!

Winston Churchill is an interesting individual, as he later came to the conclusion that there was indeed a master conspiracy at work in the major events of the world, when he wrote the following in 1920: "From the days of Spartacus—Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky (Russia)... this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization... has been steadily growing."


 Donald Rumsfeld shakes hands with Saddam (20 Dec. 1983)

In a declassified documents include the briefing materials and diplomatic reporting on two Rumsfeld trips to Baghdad. A U.S. cable recording the December 20, 1983 conversation between Donald Rumsfeld and Saddam Hussein. Although Rumsfeld said during a September 21, 2002 CNN interview, "In that visit, I cautioned him about the use of chemical weapons, as a matter of fact, and discussed a host of other things," the document indicates there was no mention of chemical weapons in his meeting with Saddam Hussein.

- After David Kelly of England said there is no weapon of mass destruction he was killed. The so called ‘investigators’ said, it was a Suicide! Is that a couisedance?

President George H. W. Bush Addresses the Nation On Kuwaiti Invasion", August 17, 1991.

"This invasion shall not stand, for it threatens the New World Order." First, this term, "New World Order" was a secret society term, and had been kept very private and very much out of the public eye. The last time a major politician proclaimed this term was when Adolph Hitler was running for office in the late 1920's and early 1930's. in 1991, said that the occult definition of New World Order is "The Kingdom of the New Age Christ". Hitler thought he was that Christ, and he and his fellow Satanists at the Thule Society regularly held rituals in which they called forth the Spirit of Lucifer (Satin) into him. The Thule Society which trained Hitler in the deepest and darkest knowledge of Satanism was a Brotherhood of Death Society, the same global group to which Skull and Bones belonged. And, President Bush Senior was a lifelong adept of Skull and Bones; and so is our current President, George W. Bush. For more details of this link between Hitler's secret society and the Bush's read Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse]. Secondly, President Bush, Senior used a present tense verb in this sentence, rather than a future tense. Bush did not say, "will threaten the New World Order"; rather, he said it "threatens" the New World Order. In other words, Bush was telling us that the New World Order already existed in 1991, and was threatened by the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait!

The making of the new world order.

The battle between heaven and hell has waged eternal, their armies fueled by souls harvested on Earth.

The devil, Lucifer, has sent a lieutenant to Earth…

To recruit men to turn the world into a place of death…

In exchange for wealth and power—

A place that provides enough souls to complete his army…

And allow Armageddon to begin.

All the dark lords needs now is a great soldier, some one who can lead his hordes to the gates of “Lucifer’s heaven”…And burn them down.

And that great soldier leader is already in the leadership position, which means Armageddon is about to happen.

Those who bang the drums of war, have they ever wandered that they are at the wrong side?

Tom Brokaw announced on October 11, 2001, that the attacks of September 11 had propelled the world into the New World Order

To justify launching World War II Hitler, managed to get his own city hall burned up, of course he have to blame it on the “So called the enemy”.


52- Why there was a camera watching the fist tower when it got hit? As if they were expecting this.

53- Is it a coincidence that Senator Paul Wellstone, who was resisting the war on Iraq, died mysteriously in an Airplane crash?

54- Why they used the same investigator who investigated the Egyptian airplane which crashed mysteriously in the Atlantic after it took off from New York?

55- On October 31, 1999, Why the Egyptian co-pilot Gamil el-Batouty lost control of his airplane, Egypt Air Flight 990, minutes after it took off from New York airport after it reached 33,000 feet altitude, it went diving, into the ocean, killing him and 217 passengers, including 33 of the top Egyptian army officers? Is it the pilot or is it Israeli Mossad?

56- Is it a coincidence that the same Air traffic control that watched over the crash of Egypt Air 990 is the same that watched over the two planes that hit the WTC Towers, flight 11 and flight 175?

57- (JF. Kennedy, Jr., and his wife, Carolyn Bessette got killed in a plane crash, investigators said after they saw his airplane on radar, dive sharply towards the water, that he committed suicide by driving his airplane into the water, killing him self, his wife and his sister-in-law).

The WTC attacks on 9/11 NO SUICIDE PILOTS.

-There were no "suicide" pilots on those September 11 jets. The jets were controlled by advanced robotics and remote-control technology, no hijackers.?

Making robot/remote-controlled jet plane, is an old Game. In the late eighties, Russia with its basic technology, were able to remotely fly a space shuttle -similar to the US shuttle- unmanned! Then land it, safely remotely, without pilots. So, like wise the CIA and the Israeli Mossad with their advance technology can easily do it!

Why the FBI and the investigators not looking into this possibility? is it because they are involved?

The Northrop Grumman Global Hawk is a robotized an American military jet that has a wingspan of a Boeing 737. An article entitled: "Robot plane flies Pacific unmanned," which appeared in the April 24, 2001 edition of Britain's International Television News:

"'The aircraft essentially flies itself, right from takeoff, right through to landing, and even taxiing off the runway,' according to the Global Hawk's Australian manager Rod Smith. "A robot plane has made aviation history by becoming the first unmanned aircraft to fly across the Pacific Ocean. "The American high-altitude Global Hawk spy plane flew across the ocean to Australia, defense officials confirmed. "The Global Hawk, a jet- powered aircraft with a wingspan equivalent to a Boeing 737 [NOTE: two of the aircraft involved in the 911 crashes were Boeing 757s, two were Boeing 767s] flew from Edwards Air Force Base in California and landed late on Monday at the Royal Australian Air Force base at Edinburgh, in South Australia state.

"It flies along a pre-programmed flight path, but a pilot monitors the aircraft during its flight via a sensor suite which provides infra-red and visual images."

Then, on September 20, 2001, The Economist published comments from a former president of British Airways, Robert Ayling: "On autopilot into the future" "Robert Ayling, a former boss of British Airways, suggested in the Financial Times this week that aircraft could be commandeered from the ground and controlled remotely in the event of a hijack. .."

Would the CIA and its allies the Israeli Mossad conspire to attack America!?

The Army's School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS )thinks Israel is capable of doing exactly that.

 On September 10, 2001, The Washington Times ran a front page story which quoted SAMS officers: "Of the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS officers say: ' Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target US forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.'" ("US troops would enforce peace under Army study," Washington Times, Sept.. 10, 2001, pg. A1, 9.) Just 24 hours after this story appeared, the Pentagon was hit and the Arabs were being blamed. These SAMS officers are obviously interested in protecting their country, but not all Americans are. Some are traitors and pay allegiance to Israel. Recall the June 8, 1967, Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, and American complicity in the attack. During the Six Day War, the Liberty, an American intelligence gathering ship, was sailing in international waters. Israeli aircraft and torpedo boats attacked it for 75 minutes. http://ennes.org/jim/ussliberty. When four US fighter jets from a nearby aircraft carrier came to protect the Liberty, US Defense Secretary Robert McNamara ordered the jets NOT to come to the Liberty's aid, and allowed the Israeli attack to continue. Thirty-four Americans were killed and 171 wounded. http://ennes.org/jim/ussliberty/chapter6.htm

Operation Northwoods
1962 Pentagon plan to attack US civilians that would be blamed on Castro's Cuba to "justify" US invasion.

Pentagon Proposed Pretexts for Cuba Invasion in 1962

In his new exposé of the National Security Agency entitled Body of Secrets, author James Bamford highlights a set of proposals on Cuba by the Joint Chiefs of Staff codenamed OPERATION NORTHWOODS. This document, titled “Justification for U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba” was provided by the JCS to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara on March 13, 1962, as the key component of Northwood. Written in response to a request from the Chief of the Cuba Project, Col. Edward Lansdale, the Top Secret memorandum describes U.S. plans to covertly engineer various pretexts that would justify a U.S. invasion of Cuba. These proposals - part of a secret anti-Castro program known as Operation Mongoose - included staging the assassinations of Cubans living in the United States, developing a fake “Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington,” including “sinking a boatload of Cuban refugees (real or simulated),” faking a Cuban air force attack on a civilian jetliner, and concocting a “Remember the Maine” incident by blowing up a U.S. ship in Cuban waters and then blaming the incident on Cuban sabotage. Bamford himself writes that Operation Northwoods “may be the most corrupt plan ever created by the U.S. government.”

Information on Operation Northwoods can be found in James Bamford's "Body of Secrets," (Doubleday, 2001).

In other words, US allies and people within the US military establishment are not opposed to killing American servicemen and civilians, given the right goal.

The bogus 9/11 hijacking!  

Put yourself in the shoes of the so called, “Operation 911 masterminds”. The attacks had to be tightly coordinated. Four jets took off within 15 minutes of each other at Boston, Dulles, and Newark airports, and roughly two hours later, it was over. The masterminds couldn't afford to take needless chances. Knowing the unpredictable nature of human behavior, when attacked, surely the devils who stand behind this massacre must have known the same truth. Yet we are asked to believe that the culprits took four jet airliners, with four sets of crew and four sets of passengers -- armed with (depending on the news reports you read) "knives," "plastic knives" and box cutters. Given the crazy and unpredictable nature of humans, why would they try this bold plan when they were so poorly armed? A lady's handbag is a stronger weapon than these so called weapons of the hijackers. many ladies have used their hand bags in self defense. Are we to believe that none of the women had the testosterone to knock those flimsy little weapons out of the hijackers' hands? And what of the briefcases most men carry? Thrown, those briefcase can be potent weapons. Your ordinary every-day New York mugger would never take the chances that those so called hijackers took. Flight attendant Michelle Heidenberger was on board Flight 77. She had been "trained to handle a hijacking. She knew not to let anyone in the cockpit. She knew to tell the hijacker that she didn't have a key and would have to call the pilots. None of her training mattered." (Washington Post, "On flight 77: 'Our Plane Is Being Hijacked." September 12, 2001, pgs. A 1, 11.) That's right, The Washington Post for once is telling some of the truth.

The masterminds of Operation 911 knew that whatever happened aboard those flights, the control of the planes was in their hands. Even if the crew and passengers fought back, the hypothesis is that they *could not* have regained control of the planes, for the planes were being controlled by Global Hawk technology.

Flight 77: "The Plane Was Flown With Extraordinary Skill" Once again: Operation 911 demanded that the attacks be tightly coordinated. Four jets took off within 15 minutes of each other at Boston, Dulles, and Newark airports, and roughly two hours later, it was over. If we are to believe the story we are being told, the masterminds needed, at an absolute minimum, pilots who could actually fly the planes and who could arrive at the right place at the right time. American Airlines Flight 77, Boeing 757, took off from Dulles Airport in Northern Virginia at 8:10 a.m. and crashed into the Pentagon at 9:40 a.m. The Washington Post's September 12 says this: "Aviation sources said that the plane was flown with extraordinary skill, making it highly likely that a trained pilot was at the helm, possibly one of the hijackers. Someone even knew how to turn off the transponder, a move that is considerably less than obvious." According to the article, the air traffic controllers "had time to warn the White House that the jet was aimed directly at the president's mansion and was traveling at a gut-wrenching speed--full throttle.” But just as the plane seemed to be on a suicide mission into the White House, the unidentified pilot executed a spin around so tight that it reminded observers of a fighter jet maneuver. The plane circled 270 degrees from the right to approach the Pentagon from the west, whereupon Flight 77 fell below radar level, vanishing from controller's screens, the sources said," (pg. 11). (Washington Post, September 12, 2001, "On Flight 77: 'Our Plane Is Being Hijacked., pgs. 1 & 11. ) maneuvering a Boeing 757 into a 270 degree turn under tense conditions demanded the skill of a fighter pilot. But why would those so called bad, bad, Muslims want to do such a thing? By shifting the plane's position so radically, Flight 77 managed to hit the mostly vacant side of the Pentagon *directly opposite* the side on which the offices of the Secretary of Defense and Joint Chief of Staff were located. (Coincidentally, Flight 77 hit the offices of Army operations (U.S. News an World Report, Sept. 14, 2001, pg. 25). Recall, it was the Army that warned of the possibility that Israel's Mossad might make a terror attack against the US.) The masterminds of Operation 911 were prepared to sacrifice the rank and file, but carefully avoided touching a hair on the head of the brass. It reminds one of Operation Northwoods, doesn't it? Remember the rank and file sailors who were to be sacrificed on a US Naval vessel in Guantanamo Bay, in order to justify war with Cuba? No, neither Hanjour nor any other Muslim suicide pilot was at the controls of this plane. It had been fitted with Global Hawk technology and was being remotely controlled.

 The Other so called hijackers:

Missing: Air Traffic Control Conversations

Now, let's look at the contemporaneous media coverage of Operation 911. Did you notice that during the event and two years after, we heard no excerpts from the conversations between the air traffic control centers and the pilots of the four aircraft? Those conversations are recorded by the air traffic control centers. Surely those conversations were newsworthy. They should have been available to the media immediately. Why didn't we hear them? I believe the answer to this question is simple:

If we could hear the conversations that took place, we would hear the airline pilots telling air traffic control that the controls of their airplanes would not respond. The pilots, of course, would have no way of knowing that their craft had been fitted with Global Hawk technology programmed to take over their planes. But no, we MUST believe the crashes were the work of Muslim terrorists. Therefore we were not permitted to hear the news as it happened. We will have to wait for the FBI/military intelligence people to cook up doctored and fictional conversations. They will then serve them to the public through the complicities mass media and strategically placed "investigative reporters," and we will be asked to swallow them. Many will.

Airlines cooperated and did whatever the FBI told them to do is no secret. The Washington Post of September 12, 2001, says this:
"Details about who was on Flight 77, when it took off and what happened on board were tightly held by airline, airport and security officials last night. All said that the FBI had asked them not to divulge details." Think back to Operation Northwoods in which the Pentagon considered reporting a bogus passenger airplane being shot down by a non-existent Cuban fighter jet. The Pentagon was obviously confident that some airline would go along with the deception. Not surprising, considering many commercial airline pilots and executives are former military pilots, and the government controls the airline industry in many ways. These pilots and executives were trained to do as they are told, and would be out of a job if they broke the rules. Why would the take-off time and the passenger list be held secret? The passengers, crew, and culprits were all dead. The relatives must have known that when they heard the news of the crashes. Flight departure and arrival times had been public knowledge. The masterminds knew the details of their own plans. No, it was the PUBLIC that was being denied information, and the significant information being denied was the conversations between the air traffic controllers and the pilots. Recall that during the Vietnam War, the US "secretly" bombed Cambodia. The bombing was no secret to the Cambodians. It was only a secret from the American public, who were paying for the war and may have objected to the slaughter. And that's the only purpose of the Operation 911 secrecy is To keep the information from the public.

Communication With Flight 11

American Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767, left Boston at 7:59 a.m. on its way to Los Angeles. "Boston airport officials said they did not spot the plane's course until it had crashed, and said the control tower had no unusual communications with the pilots or any crew member." (Washington Post, September 12, 2001, "At Logan Airport, Nobody Saw Plane's Sharp Turn South," pg. A 10.) Sorry, this report is not credible. Airplanes are tracked constantly. The skies over the US are far too busy for us to have an apathetic attitude, and wasn’t ever in history an hijacking without the pilot reporting some kind of stress call. Any way "All of it supposedly have been recorded by a Federal Aviation Administration traffic control center. Those tapes are now presumed to be in the hands of federal law-enforcement officials, who arrived at the flight-control facility minutes after Flight 11 crashed into the World Trade Center.
The tapes presumably could provide clues about the hijackers – and may become even more important if the plane's 'black boxes' are damaged or never found." ("Controllers' tale of Flight 11," The Christian Science Monitor, September 13, 2001.)

So, yes, the same "federal law-enforcement" machinery that cooked up the David Koresh negotiation tapes and arranged to destroy the evidence at the Mt. Carmel Center in the April 19 inferno will be handling these records, too.

Flight 175 -- The Washington Post reported a similar story for United Airlines Flight 175, which crashed into the south tower of the World Trade Center tower at 9:06 a.m. "Less than 30 minutes into a journey that was to have taken six hours, Flight 175 took a sharp turn south into central New Jersey, near Trenton, an unusual diversion for a plane heading west, airline employees said. It then headed directly toward Manhattan. "Somewhere between Philadelphia and Newark--less than 90 minutes from Manhattan--the aircraft made its final radar contact, according to a statement released by United Airlines," (Washington Post, "'Everything Seemed Normal When They Left' Boston Airport," September 12, 2001, pg. A10.) Once again, there was no simultaneous, detailed, first hand information from the air traffic controllers about communication from the air traffic controllers. Of course the controls would not respond to manual directions if they were under the control of Global Hawk.
Flight 11/Flight 175 -- Hijacker Passport Found. We have just mentioned the distinct possibility that the masterminds of Operation 911 will manufacture evidence. Well, here is a CNN story for your consideration:
In New York, several blocks from the ruins of the World Trade Center, a passport authorities said belonged to one of the hijackers was discovered a few days ago, according to city Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik. That has prompted the FBI and police to widen the search area beyond the immediate crash site

We are asked to believe that one of the hijackers brought his passport with him on a domestic fight, even though he knew he would not need it then, or ever again; that upon impact the passport flew from the hijacker's pocket (or was he holding it in his hands?), that the passport flew out of the aircraft, that it flew out of the burning tower, and that it was carried by the air currents and landed safely, where it could be discovered, several blocks away.

Flight 93

United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757, was scheduled to leave Newark Airport at 8:01 a.m. for San Francisco. We are told it crashed into an abandoned coal mine near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, at 10:37 a.m., one hour and 50 minutes after the first World Trade Center tower was hit.

Without a doubt, Flight 93 was *shot* down. The first TV network reports said exactly that: Flight 93 had been shot down by a military jet. That information even made it into the print media. "Local residents said they had seen a second plane in the area, possibly an F-16 fighter, and burning debris falling from the sky. [FBI Agent] Crowley said investigators had determined that two other planes were nearby but didn't know if either was military. " ("Stories swirl around Pa. crash; black box found," USA Today, September 14, 2001. ) "Pieces of the wreckage have been found as far away as New Baltimore, about eight miles from the crash site. When the eastbound plane crashed, a 9-knot wind was blowing from the southeast, [FBI Agent] Crowley said. ("Bereaved may visit Flight 93 site," Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Friday, September 14, 2001.) On September 11, "residents and workers at businesses outside Shanksville, Somerset County, reported discovering clothing, books, papers, and what appear to be human remains. Some residents said they collected bags-full of items to be turned over to investigators. Others reported what appeared to be crash debris floating in Indian Lake, nearly six miles from the crash site.

The Washington Post reported that, just as Congressional leaders were discussing shooting the plane down, they learned it had crashed. ("Jetliner Was Diverted Toward Washington Before Crash in Pa," Sept. 12, 2001, pg. A10.) The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and the FBI denied that the plane had been shot down. The FBI blamed the spread of debris over an 8-mile area on a 10 mph wind that was blowing at the time. Of the debris, TIME Magazine of September 11 says: "The largest pieces of the plane still extant are barely bigger than a telephone book." (Pages in this edition are not numbered: this quote appears on what should be pg.40). Planes that crash do not disintegrate in this manner. However, the assertion that the hijackers had a bomb on board, and the bomb exploded, might provide an explanation for the disintegration. There is a problem with this story, however: Hijackers who planned to crash the plane into the Capitol would not want, or need, a bomb. In fact, a bomb might be “counterproductive”: Suppose it went off before the plane hit the Capitol? The mission would be ruined. Bringing a bomb on board would greatly increase chances the hijacker who carried the bomb would be detected when boarding. And it's hard to imagine why hijackers would mutilate and dismember passengers with plastic knives and box cutters when they were planning to blow them up, anyway.

 Missing Air Traffic Control Conversations

According to a an ABC news report by Peter Dizikes on September 13: "Federal Aviation Administration data shows Flight 93 followed its normal flight plan until it neared Cleveland, where the plane took a hard turn south. “That marks the point at which the plane must have been hijacked, investigators say. Then it took a turn east." Note that the investigators used the phrase "must have been" hijacked. Didn't they know? Weren't the air traffic controllers in touch with the pilots? But the direction changes with the next paragraph: "ABCTVNEWS has learned that shortly before the plane changed directions, someone in the cockpit radioed in and asked the FAA for a new flight plan, with a final destination of Washington." Now THAT conversation must have been interesting! You can imagine the response of the air traffic controller: "Excuse me? Flight 93, you're in the middle of a scheduled trip to San Francisco, but you're just changed your mind and want to spend the day in Washington? Please explain." According to an MSNBC story of September 22, 2001, Flight 93 was late taking off, and did not make its way down the runway until 8:41 a.m.

 It was aloft for almost two hours, crashing at 10:37 a.m. Making a rough estimate from the distances traveled and the time in the air (see TIME Magazine, September 11, "The Paths of Destruction" ), Flight 93 went off course sometime between 9:45 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Recall that both towers had been hit by 9:06 a.m., and the New York airports had been closed since 9:17 a.m. It would have been impossible for an air traffic controller on duty between 9:45--10:00 a.m. not to know that commercial air traffic in the US was in a dire emergency from "suicide planes." And now Flight 93 calls in, asking permission to do a U-turn, fly east an hour and a half, and land in Washington DC? ?? What, the pilot was nervous and didn't know there were airports in the Midwest? I'd love to hear the REAL conversation between Flight 93 and the air traffic controllers, wouldn't you? Come to think of it, why would a *hijacker* call in to ask for an OK to change directions?

Conflicting And Unbelievable Reports

The networks dropped the story that Flight 93 had been shot down and now said that Flight 93 passengers called their families and described a hijacking. The hijackers were armed with box razors, and overwhelmed the passengers and crew, and told the passengers they planned to crash into the Capitol in Washington, DC. The hijackers also mutilated and dismembered the passengers, presumably with their plastic knives and box cutters. What a messy job that must have been! We were not told if the hijackers chatted to the passengers about their plans before, after, or while they were committing the mutilation/ dismemberment. (I heard the mutilation/ dismemberment story once while watching network TV coverage. Then the story was dropped.) On the other hand, TIME Magazine reported that one of the passengers called home to say "We have been hijacked. They are being kind: TIME, Sept.24 pg.73

No. Something went wrong with the masterminds' plan. They could not afford to have Flight 93 make a conventional landing and allow the pilots and passengers to talk about their experience. They could not afford to have the "hijackers" survive and the electronic controls of the plane examined. So Flight 93 was shot down.

Who Were Those People, Anyway? Before September 11, the combined forces of US military and domestic intelligence - the CIA, the FBI, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency -- were clueless that such a catastrophic event would occur. Yet a day or so later, the FBI had secured the names and mug shots of each of the 19 hijackers. How did the FBI know who the hijackers were? After all, all the eyewitnesses are dead. How could the FBI distinguish between regular Muslims and hijacker Muslims on those flights? Or did they just go through the passenger lists culling out the Muslim-sounding names and labeling the people bearing those names as hijackers? "You're Muslim so you're a hijacker..." On September 30 I looked at the passenger lists of those four flights. To my surprise, the lists contained none of the hijackers' names. Here are the URLs I checked: http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/trade.center/victims/AA11.victims.html }{http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/trade.center/victims/AA77.victims.html}{http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/trade.center/victims/AA77.victims.html}{"http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/trade.center/victims/ua93.victims.html The FBI may be lying, of course, and the airlines telling the truth: Perhaps none of the "hijackers' were passengers on those four planes. If that is true, the airlines are helping the FBI commit a most grievous fraud on the public. What does that say for the airlines' integrity? In either case, we can place little confidence in the veracity of the information in those lists. Names could have been added just as easily as they may have been deleted.

We MUST believe that a man who dresses in sheets lives in a tent or a cave in the middle of nowhere -”USAma bin Ladeen”- was the mastermind. He used his $300 million fortune to pull off Operation 911. Come to think of it, how does the US know the size of his fortune? Does the FBI know his banker? And given that the world's banking system is highly centralized and in the hands of Mr. bin Ladeen's avowed enemies, how could our terrorist tent-dweller have retained his fortune all these years? If Mr. bin Ladeen could have pulled this off in New York, why didn't he pick on his more direct enemy, Israel, and do a 911 on them? Brilliant as Mr. bin Ladeen did he forget to take credit for the attack. Even worse, he forgot to issue any demands. He allowed his operatives to use their Muslim names and leave a clear trail for the FBI to follow. Mr. Atta, was particularly helpful. He kindly left his car at the Boston Airport. Luckily, an unnamed source drew the FBI's attention to this car. According to radio reports, the FBI found a suicide note written in Arabic and a copy of the Koran in the car. Mr. Atta liked to write in Arabic; he wrote a second, long document in that language, which, for some reason, he put in his luggage. Coincidentally, this luggage did not make it to Flight 11, so the FBI found it at the airport. Another lucky break! But why Mr. Atta would take luggage on a suicide mission, then leave it in the car, it has not been explained. The same note was carried by one of the hijackers on Flight 93, and, Mother of Miracles! survived the crash, even though the airplane itself was torn into shards. Mr. Atta sounds like a Jewish lawyer with his wires crossed, exhorting his co-conspirators to remember their wills and reminding them that Mohammed was an "optimist;" exhorting his fellows to "utilize" their few hours left to ask God's forgiveness. God's forgiveness for what? They were about to die martyrs in “the good cause”. ..Sure, we believe every word. We swallow the whole story.

Flight 77: No Boeing 757 Debris at Pentagon Crash Site. 

By now lots of people have realized there is something very wrong with the story of Flight 77's crash into the Pentagon.

 After the smoke died down, everyone could see the Pentagon but no one could see the plane. 

We should have seen wing wreckage. But there was none.

The aluminum wings of the plane should have been ripped off and left outside the building. We should have seen wing wreckage. But there was none. The evidence is overwhelming that the "missile" (Rumsfeld's description) which hit the Pentagon, whatever it was, was not a Boeing 757. The official story is a lie. perhaps inside explosives were used at the Pentagon on 9-11. Certainly the damaged section of the building had just been renovated; explosives would have been easy to install.

Dave vonKleist for the Power Hour radio says “the real conspiracy theory that flight 77 hit the pentagon”

The dynamited towers:  why did building 7 collapsed even though it was not hit by an airplane or any thing? Why did the world trade center towers collapsed? The damage for the towers was only to the top floors. And for the second tower actually it was hit on the side and most of the jet fuel got burned in a fire ball out side the towers? Why their was a series of explosions wile it was collapsing? Who was behind demolishing the world trade centers?

Evidence has emerged and experts have gone on record as saying that the collapse of the twin towers may have been due to bombs within the buildings. Firefighters at the scene on the day and witnesses from both within the towers and the surrounding areas have also verified this, claiming that loud explosions were heard before the collapses. Picture evidence suggests that shape or cutter charge explosions can be identified throughout the buildings as they fell. Even the designers of the structures have said they built the towers with the safeguards against a plane collision in mind. Such suggestions and information was promptly ignored by the mainstream media immediately after September 11th. In addition the strange collapse of WTC 7 has never been reported ANYWHERE in the mainstream media. If these suggestions are true then the implications are massive.
Were bombs planted within these buildings to decisively bring them down? Which will provide a more shocking and devastating effect? If so, then how did they get there un-noticed and who set them off?

 FEMA report on WTC 7 collapse
World Trade Center Seven collapsed on September 11, 2001, at 5:20 p.m. There were no known casualties due to this collapse. The performance of WTC 7 is of significant interest because it appears the collapse was due primarily to fire, rather than any impact damage from the collapsing towers. Prior to September 11, 2001, there was little, if any, record of fire-induced collapse of large fire- protected steel buildings.

To suggest that WTC 7 collapsed due to fire damage is quite frankly absurd. Just look at the way the building collapses. For this building to collapse in this fashion, ALL of the load bearing supports would have had to fail (or be cut) at EXACTLY THE SAME TIME. looking at the video of the WTC7 "collapse" we fiend some interesting things in the pictures. puffs of smoke coming out of the upper floors. The puffs appear to come out of the columns. My guess is the columns were kind enough to destroy themselves to prevent the building from falling outward towards the building across the street!!!! How nifty!!
The claim that the collapse was the result of a fire requires the fire be equally distributed throughout the entire floor of the building, providing equal heat for an equal amount of time, so that all the load bearings members would fail at the exact same moment. How convenient.

The editor of Fire engineering magazine was so disgusted with the investigation said in the January 2002 issue said that the investigation that FEMA conducted is ”a half baked Farce ( Mockery )”

Why did they shipped and soled the remains of the buildings to a foreign countries as scrap metals while these are considered as crime evidence? Why they destroyed the rest of the rubles of those buildings?

-*- In a speach G. W. Bush joked about a question that he was asked in Chicago in regard to the budget, he said, " I was asked, Is there ever any time where the budget might have to go into deficit? I said only if we were at war, or had a national emergency, or were in recession. (laughter) Little did I realize we'd get the TRIFECTA. (Laughter)"

When the families of the victims demanded an independent investigation, of the attack on the W.T.C, Bush refused in the beginning! But he couldn’t stand the pressure. But when he reialized that he have to do somthoing to keep them quiet, he went and hired Henry Kissinger to do the so called independent investigation, and he said,“ Henry Kissinger and I, share the same commitments”, but he didn’t say what kind of commitments, is it the Zionist’s commitment.

911 propelled the world into the new world order!


"Russian press accounts and other activities by the Russian government this summer indicate that the Russian knew in advance that something would happen to America, including a 'financial attack' against the U.S. During the past three months, Russian media and officials have encouraged citizens to cash out of U.S. dollars pending an economic collapse there after an 'attack'. “Russian official newspapers have been urging their citizens since July, 2001, to cash out their American dollars because of a coming "financial attack" in America!

"a senior research fellow in the Institute of Macroeconomic Researches subordinated to Russian Ministry of Economic Development (Minekonom)." Dr. Koryagina he said, "Besides bombs and missiles, there are other kinds of weaponry, much more destructive ones.. . . The U.S. is engaged in a mortal economic game … There is a shadow economy, shadow politics and also a shadow history, known to cosmetologists (knolidge of the Superficial world). There are “unseen” forces acting in the world, unstoppable for “the most powerful” countries and even continents. There are international, 'super-state' and 'super-government' groups. In accordance with tradition, the mystical and religious components play extremely important roles in human history. One must take into account the shadow economy, shadow politics and the religious component, while predicting the development of the present financial situation. Shadow financial activities of $300 trillion are hanging over the planet. At any moment, they could fall on any stock exchange and cause panic and crash." [Ibid.; Emphasis added Dr. Koryagina continues with her revelation and her validation of such "cosmetologists as this ministry: "The U.S. has been chosen as the object of financial attack because the financial center of the planet is located there. The effect will be maximal. The strike waves of economic crisis will spread over the planet instantly, and will remind us of the blast of a huge nuclear bomb. Thus, in early July, 2001, Ms Koryagina told the world that huge "shadowy" and "unseen " conspiratorial forces in America were about to unleash a "financial attack" on their own country.

The deceiving video tapes:-

Just before the election of 2004, Ben Ladeen made a tape that had a very strong effect on the out come of the election in favor of Bush, which indicates that he is working with them, but what about the tape that was produced during the war of Afghanistan 2001.

The Mystery of the Tape of “USAma Ben Ladeen”.

  Why Ben Ladeen” took responsibility for something that he couldn't possibly do? knowing that it will bring Afghanistan and his people a complete destruction!
According to administration officials, the mystery tape was discovered at an abandoned house in Jalalabad. The tape was allegedly shot November 9th by an unnamed amateur. The administration has reportedly spent at least
two weeks Producing translations and subtitles to the video, with a conveniently poor sound and picture. It features bin Ladeen” at an al Qaeda dinner, chatting about the 9/11 attacks with a paraplegic Saudi cleric, identified as Sheik Ali Said al-Ghamdi, Ayman al-Zawahiri is also present, he was engaged in eating.

 A few simple questions regarding the videotape:
* Who shot the footage and Why was the tape made?
* When was it shot?
* Who found the tape and under what circumstances was it found?
* Were the people who found the tape the same people who shot it?
* Were intelligence agencies involved with the creation and delivery of the tape?

* Why does bin Ladeen” appear to be completely oblivious to a 'cameraman' shooting him?
* Would a terrorist mastermind who has eluded the world and who is reported to be a master of concealing his whereabouts, who reportedly does not sleep in the same place twice, allow himself to be shot on videotape blabbing about a huge operation?
* Would a terrorist mastermind ever give operational details of a terrorist operation, and name names, for a camcorder, or in any form traceable to him?
* Would a master terrorist, allow this tape to be left behind in an abandoned house?

With all the superiority in movie making, why they made a tape so obviously fake?



The bogus tape is obvious! The person on the tape is deferent than USAma Ben Ladeen”, look at the nose, the cheeks and the mouth.

With all the superiority in movie making, why they made a tape so obviously fake?

Knowing that the tape was fake, and intentionally made to divert attention from the real terrorists behind 9/11 attacks, in sight of that, why the real Ben Laden” didn’t come out and say that he is not the one in that fake tape?

The answer to that is one possibility! Because he is working with them! But they still need him to do more for them! So, they produced a tape that he can easily dispute among his deceived comrades.

Americans and the world believed it! Because they want to believe it! They were conditioned to believe it! They were brain washed to believe it! Think about that.

Why did the CIA sponsored TV station Al-Jazeera promoting this fake tape, and every tape of Ben La Deen, and his partner Azwaheri as if those tapes ware real, and as if those terrorists ware real. Add to that the bogus Zarqawi, the Blue man as his name literally translates.

So knowing that a Zarqawi is a CIA agent, why they killed the leader of the Saudi Inelegance and the leader of the Palestinian authority intelligence, in a 3 simultaneous attacks at the large hotels in Jordan? At the time when the Bush administration is being investigated for spaying of American citizens, is it cover up other props where American citizens were conspired on using foreign governments’ intelligence. What were they cooking together before they decided to cover it up by assassination?

The name Ladeen in Arabic means NO Religion. 

The Black Magic in the name, USAma Ben ladeen?

We know from years before, that Usama ben La Deen is and was part of the CIA operation in Afghanistan, but the question is, is it a coincidence, that the name of this shady individual, is USAma, which tag’s him, as a person part of the USA’s operation, under the secret supervision of the CIA, but If it was secret supervision of the CIA, why they gave him this name, which will do the opposite of secrecy? And also his last name, when properly spelled, it will sound like Ben La Deen, which means in Arabic, the man with no religion, so, if this was not a coincidence, then it would be a message to the deceived Americans, that you are killing the followers, of some one, who is explicitly your agent, and his name is USAma, and for the deceived followers of Ben La Deen, out of the Muslims, you are following a man who is with no religion, as his name indicates.

This may be hard to believe, for those who don’t know the truth about the satanic organization that’s ruling the US and almost all the world, for many years before, they would rather believe that its just a Coincidence!

There should be no doubt in any bodies mined, that Usama Ben ladeen, is one of their biggest agents, working for the advancement, of the Zionist satanic organization, on skulls and bones, of the other humans, Muslims and none Muslims.

To explain why his name is like that! Its necessary, to take a look at the history of this very old Zionist satanic organization, once you see the old plan of this plot, after understand the reality of this very old powerful criminal organization, you will not be surprised, to fined that this Persons name is actually a very explicit message for those who have eyes and ears.

So, how did they get him to have that name, which is matching with there deceiving objective?

One possibility is that this person and this tribe – the Ben laden tribe- is long been part of this dark old Zionist satanic organization, and this person has been hand picked by this organization, for this deceiving props, and they are the ones, who gave him, his name since birth, and they are the ones, who gave this family, this last name to begin with.

The other possibility, is that they –the satanic organization-, hand picked this man, out of many reasons, is because his name, is matching there goals, also his profession as a contractor, makes him a Mason in profession, and that’s a masons organizations favorite picked members, another reason is because of his name happen to be some one who represents there idea, Ben –the son of- La Deen –no religion.

According to history and to how much control they have, they maybe mocking the Muslims, who followed Ben ladeen, but they are following him, and in their deep conscience, they say that this man has no religion, also the same thing for Americans, who are fighting a man whose name is USAma, which means that they are Killing the Muslims, who’s leader is a CIA agent, who’s name is USAma, by that the Americans are killing the Muslims knowingly, that USAma is one of their CIA agents, and the deceived Muslims, are Knowingly following a man, that his name indicates that he is with no religion! By having both groups Consciously deceived, which fulfils satins oath that he made to God when he said?  God said, [15:39]. [Iblis (Satan)] said: "O my Lord! Because you misled me, I shall indeed adorn the path of error for them (mankind) on the earth, and I shall mislead them all. [15:40]. "Except Your chosen, (guided) slaves among them."  [15:41]. (Allah) said: "This is the Way which will lead straight to Me." [15:42]. "Certainly, you shall have no authority over My slaves, except those who follow you of the Gawain (Consciously deceived and those who go astray, criminals, polytheists, and evil-doers, etc.). [15:43]. "And surely, Hell is the promised place for them all.

 Which means, satin has no authority, or power over believers, except those who followed satin, those who except to be deceived willingly, concisely, or sub concisely. So, satan have to prove to God that these deceived Muslims and Americans, following Ben la deen's plot, and their sub conches, telling them that this man, is actually, a CIA agent and without religion! And for the deceived Americans, that they are killing unfairly, those who are following some one, who is an agent and part of their USA’s governments, and the CIA.

Another reason is, to use his name, as a clear coded message, to other members of this dark old Zionist satanic organization, to promote this man, to fulfill his role as a spark, to their flames of war and bloodshed.

Like wise the name Azzarqawi, the person from the City of a Azarqa in Jordan, but in fact they mean the blue man, the name blue, is one of the communicating signs, between the members of this dark organization, because the blue color came to be one of their signs.

To get the details of their signs go to chapter 2,4,and 5.

And remember what J. Edgar Hoover  said, “The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists."

Winston Churchill wrote the following in 1920: "From the days of Spartacus—Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky (Russia)... this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization... has been steadily growing."

Adolph Hitler said, "The size of the lie is a definite factor in causing it to be believed, for the vast masses of the nation are in the depths of their hearts more easily deceived than they are consciously and intentionally bad. The primitive simplicity of their minds renders them a more easy prey to a big lie than a small one, for they themselves often tell little lies but would be ashamed to tell a big one."  

From July 4th-14th 2001, “USAma bin Ladeen” was being treated for kidney infection at the American Hospital, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. There, on multiple occasions, he met with CIA station Chief Larry Mitchell.

 At the time of the flight curfew, numerous members of Bin Ladeen’s family left the US by chartered flights after September 11th with the full blessings of the government.

 A 2000 Clinton presidential executive order was still in effect and mandated, but Bin Ladeen” was allowed to leave of his own free will. Sources - Washington Times - London Evening Standard A pivotal player in the Clinton impeachment proceedings was David Schippers, investigative counsel for the House Judiciary Committee. Schippers was responsible for all investigations under the impeachment inquiry.
Before September 11th, Schippers represented a group of FBI agents who were seething because they had been pulled off terrorism related investigations by their superiors. The agents told Schippers that there was going to be a massive attack on lower Manhattan by the end of the year. Schippers frantically tried to arrange a meeting with Attorney General John Ashcroft right up until a month before the attack. Ashcroft made it clear to his underlings that he was not interested in the information and Schippers was rebuffed again and again.

Source: David Schippers interview on 'The Alex Jones Show' - 10th October 2001

Ahmed Shah Msood, the leader of the northern alliance against Taliban, got assassinated just 2 days before the 9/11 attacks, the assassination was a grate service to this Administration, because other wise they wouldn’t be able to install their agent Hameed Carazai as the leader of Afghanistan, like wise they always clear the way for their agents, by assassinating any opponent to their agent in that targeted nation.


Ye shall know them by their fruits (words)." Matt 7:16

"Ordo Ab Chao"Latin phrase meaning 'Order Out Of Chaos' and is the motto of the 33rd degree of the Masonic Lodge* “The New Word Order”

IN ORDER TO JUSTIFY GLOBAL WARFARE" You say al-Qaeda carried out these atrocities? Fine. But who runs al-Qaeda? Back in the 1980s, al-Qaeda was part of U.S. intelligence operations in Afghanistan. When did the U.S. STOP running al-Qaeda? Whose strategic purpose is this wave of bombings serving, and who will be smart enough to escape the trap...?"

US + Israel =AlQaeda - "For many around the world, skepticism about the 'official' 9-11 story set in early... It is not just that the US Administration has lied about 9/11. The western mass media - the very institution charged with keeping government honest - has effectively been complicit in an extended act of deception... The possibility emerges that AL QAIDA IS A FRONT UNDER JOINT ISRAEL-US CONTROL. Links between bin Ladeen... the CIA...and Bush families are well known. With 'Al Qaida' performing the necessary terrorist services,

“USAma bin Ladeen and his..."Terrorists" could not have pulled off the "sophisticated" operation of four simultaneous air hijackings and precision directed attacks without the support of..."intelligence organizations." This was the expert testimony provided by past CIA Afghanistan operations director and bin Ladeen's American intelligence aficionado, Milt Bearden, interviewed by Dan Rather on September 12, 2001... Mr. Bearden stated, "IF THEY DIDN'T HAVE AN “USAMA BIN LADEEN, THEY WOULD INVENT ONE" -

Israeli MOSSAD: "By Way Of DECEPTION Thou Shalt Make War"

"...Don't worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it" Ariel Sharon

"The state [of Israel]....MUST invent dangers, and to do this it must adopt the method of provocation and revenge... And above all, let us hope for a new war with the Arab countries so that we may finally get rid of our troubles and acquire our space." Diary of Moshe Sharett, Israeli's first Foreign Minister (1948-1956) and Prime Minister (1954-1956).

Israeli Journalist, Barry Chamish said, “A few Israelis were involved in the world trade center attacks

He also said that the Egypt Air 990 crash was a test for using airplanes for such attacks?

24 DEC 2002 – "For more than 54 years the Israelis have committed acts that no other nation would dare get away with. But even here in America, where it is not yet illegal to publicly ask the wrong questions, any public figure that does so is subjected to smears, intimidation, and the attempted destruction of his career and reputation by Jewish organizations and by the very cooperative news media."

RESISTANCE TO THE DIRECTIVES OF THE JEWISH LOBBY IS POLITICAL SUICIDE. If AIPAC [American Israel Public Affairs Committee] were to table a resolution abolishing the Ten Commandments, 80 Senators and 300 Congressmen would sign it at once. This lobby frightens the media, too, and assures their ADHERENCE TO ISRAEL" ("poppalon" - OF COURSE THEY DO! THEY OWN/CONTROL THE MEDIA!).

11 MAR 2003 - "If it were not for the strong support of the Jewish community for this war with Iraq, we would not be doing this," Moran said.., "The leaders of the Jewish community are influential enough that they could change the direction of where this is going, and I think they should." Moran...representing Alexandria, Arlington County... [subsequently] APOLOGIZED: "I MADE SOME INSENSITIVE REMARKS THAT I DEEPLY REGRET". 
15 MAR UPDATE - "MORAN OUSTED FROM DEM. LEADERSHIP OVER 'JEWISH' COMMENTS... U.S. Rep. James P. Moran Jr. 'quit' his House leadership post...for making what he called 'insensitive' remarks about Jews pushing the nation into war with Iraq... 'I will continue to reach out to the Jewish community and others who were offended by my remarks,' Moran said.

(Telling the truth, is a dangerous business)

JUN 2002 - "[Bush] declares that Sharon is a Man of Peace!

 THE JEWISH LOBBY... Its electoral and financial power casts a long shadow over...Congress. Hundreds of Senators and Congressmen were elected with the help of Jewish contributions.

Is the USA a Super power or is it a super slave?


All 5 worked for Urban Moving Systems, two were [Mossad] agents, Urban Moving was a [Mossad] "front", all 5 were deported and the owner fled to Israel.

DEA, INS and FBI agents say that even suggesting Israeli Mossad spying is career suicide.


"Attorney General John shcroft...ordered...suppression of news...of... Israeli [MOSSAD] espionage operations...
The U.S. arrested and deported over 120 Israeli art students BEFORE 9/11, and 80 to 100 AFTER 9/11.

One government official replied: "Evidence linking...Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."

"In 2001, the Washington Times ran a story about a 68 page research paper issued by the Army School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS). The research was compiled by 60 US Army officers as an attempt to predict the possible outcomes of deploying a US force to maintain peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Here's what SAMS had to say about the Israeli military machine: 'a 500 pound gorilla in Israel. Well armed and trained. Operates in both Gaza and the West Bank. Known to disregard international law to accomplish mission. Of Israel's Mossad, the officers issued this warning: 'Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target US forces and make it look like a Palestinian Arab act.'
"poppalon" - This story broke on 10 September 2001. The very next day Arabs were blamed for the 9/11 attacks, while the FBI started arresting and deporting to Israel without charges over 200 Israeli MOSSAD spies.)

Just for your information, the CIA sold drugs to the American people by the tons, just to fund the Contras. This is one of the things been discovered, what about the things that still in the dark.

"The NY Times...Wall Street Journal...Washington Post...and most of the nation's print media - are owned and/or controlled by Jews supportive of Israel."

(Grace Halsell) THEY LIED ABOUT 9/11 AND THEY LIED ABOUT IRAQ ("THEY" = Zionist-controlled media and Zionist-controlled Bush administration)

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information." - US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

*"Six Israelis suspected of involvement in the attacks on New York and Washington were arrested in the US, to be later released. This confirms our strong suspicions about the involvement of Israel's Mossad in the ugly crime. If we look carefully into this matter, we find no more influential sides in the US that the Israeli Mossad agents, who have the ability to penetrate and the capability to execute with high efficiency." editorial in Okaz, Saudi mass-circulation daily, posted November 6, 2001 on The Times of India online. *"With the announcement of the attacks at the World Trade Center in New York, the international media, particularly the Israeli one, hurried to take advantage of the incident and started mourning 4000 Israelis who work at the two towers. Then suddenly, no one ever mentioned anything about those Israelis and later it became clear that they remarkably did not show up in their jobs the day the incident took place. No one talked about any Israeli being killed or wounded in the attacks. Arab diplomatic sources revealed to the al-Watan newspaper published in Oman that those Israelis remained absent that day based on hints from the Israeli General Security Apparatus, the Shabak, the fact which evoked unannounced suspicions on American officials who wanted to know how the Israeli government learned about the incident before it occurred, and the reasons why it refrained from informing the U.S authorities of the information it had. Suspicions had increased further after Israeli newspaper Yadiot Ahranot revealed that the Shabak prevented Israeli premier Ariel Sharon from traveling to New York and particularly to the city's eastern coast to participate in a festival organized by the Zionist organizations in support of the "Israel". Aharon Bernie, the commentator at the newspaper, brought up the issue and came up with a negative conclusion, saying "no answer". He then asked about the clue behind the Shabak's position in preventing Sharon's participation, and again without giving an answer. Bernie added that Sharon, who was delighted for having his speech on top of the festival agenda, asked the head of the organization to mediate and convince the Shabak to change its position, but his attempts were in vein. The next day after Sharon's secretary officially announced that Sharon would not participate the incident took place. For its part, the Israeli Ha'aretz newspaper revealed that the FBI arrested five Israelis four hours after the attack on the Twin Towers while filming the smoking skyline from the roof of their company's building. The FBI had arrested the five for "puzzling behavior". They are said to have been caught videotaping the disaster in what was interpreted as cries of joy and mockery."- from the English language version of the Web site of Lebanon's. Al-Manar Television posted September 17,2001

Zim-American Israeli Shipping Co. moves their North American headquarters from the 16th floor of the WTC to Norfolk, Virginia, one week before the 9/11 attacks (defaulting their lease). The Israeli government owns 49 percent of the company. [Virginian-Pilot, 9/4/01] Zim announced the move and its date six months earlier. [Virginian-Pilot, 4/3/01] More than 200 workers had just been moved out; about 10 are still in the building making final moving arrangements on 9/11, but escape alive. [Jerusalem Post, 9/13/01, Journal of Commerce, 10/18/01] The move leaves only one Israeli company, Clear Forest, with 18 employees, in the WTC on 9/11. The four or five employees in the building at the time manage to escape. [Jerusalem Post, 9/13/01] One year later, a Zim ship is impounded attempting to ship Israeli military equipment to Iran; it is speculated that this is done with the knowledge of Israel. [AFP, 8/29/02], Two employees of Odigo, Inc., in Israel, receive warnings of an imminent attack in New York City around two hours before the first plane hits the WTC. Odigo, one of the world's largest instant messaging companies, has its headquarters two blocks from the WTC. The Odigo Research and Development offices where the warnings were received are located in Herzliyya, a suburb of Tel Aviv. Israeli security and the FBI were notified immediately after the 9/11 attacks began. The two employees claim not to know who sent the warnings. “Odigo service includes a feature called People Finder that allows users to seek out and contact others based on certain interests or demographics. [Alex] Diamandis [Odigo vice president of sales and marketing] said it was possible that the attack warning was broadcast to other Odigo members, but the company has not received reports of other recipients of the message.” [Ha'aretz, 9/26/01, Washington Post, 9/27/01 (C)] FTW Odigo claims the warning did not specifically mention the WTC, but the company won't say what was specified, claiming, “Providing more details would only lead to more conjecture.” [Washington Post 9/28/01] Odigo gave the FBI the internet address of the message's sender so the name of the sender could be found. [Deutsche Presse-Agentur 9/26/01] Two months later it is reported that the FBI is still investigating the matter, but there have been no reports since. [Courier Mail 11/20/01].

"July 22, 1946, 15-20 Irgun [sic "Israeli"] terrorists dressed as Arabs entered the King David Hotel in Jerusalem [and] unloaded 225 kilograms of explosives hidden in milk churns.

King David hotel and Bagin the master mind.

The King David Hotel housed the Secretariat of the Government...and Headquarters of the British Forces in Palestine....a British officer became suspicious a shootout took place and the Argon [Israeli terrorists] lit the fuses and fled. The explosion destroyed part of the hotel and killed 91... Most...were British but 15...Jews also died, proving that radical Zionists are capable of even killing fellow Jews in order to advance their cause".

The Argon terror gang also targeted Arab civilians in order to frighten them into evacuating their land. The most well known of these massacres happened at the village of Deir Yassin on the morning of April 9, 1948.

More than 100 Arabs, including women and children were systematically slaughtered by Menachem Begin's murderous gang. 24 The Israelis took over whatever villages the terrorized Arabs fled from.

The massacres of Sabra and Shateela:

On 1982 Ariel Sharon lead the Israeli forces on a satanic invasion of Lebanon, in that invasion he conducted many massacres totaled more than 70 thousands human beings, most of them civilians of men, women and children, one of the largest was the massacre of Sabra and Shateela in the capital Beirut.

 The deference on this massacre, is that it was targeted to frame American and Christian people in the responsibility of this massacre, where more than 4,000 people got massacred in one night.

After 70 days and nights of bombing the city of Beirut, the Israeli forces couldn’t enter the city. So, they used a trick as usual, which was, to guarantee the safety of the Palestinians, if they agreed to leave peacefully, but the Palestinians will not agree to that, until they get the guarantees of the safety of the Palestinians civilians when they leave, so they got the guarantees from the French, Italian and the United States of America, which was under Reagan and vice president George Bush. So, US send its troops, Italy and France also. But after the Palestinians pulled out of the city of Beirut, the US and Italians and French pulled out too, to clear the way for Sharon, so they went inside and killed many people and took over the city and the two refugee camps, Sabra and Shatela, where they conducted one of the worlds worst massacres, killing and maiming all its inhabitance, then destroyed the refugee camp on top of the dead, then when they asked Sharon, he said, the Lebanese Christian mercenaries in his ranks did it, but at the wake of this massacre, Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims palmed the US and the Christian world, and Sharon was counting on the Muslim world to take their revenge on the Christian world and America, and that’s exactly what Sharon and Israel wants the most.



Massacres of Sharon, (Election Poster 4/2001,"The finger is very visible for those who have eyes?"), 2004 The killing of the paralyzed sheik Ahmad Yaseen, and Gaza massacres, hundreds dead, and hundreds of houses demolished…

2002, Massacre of Jenin and west bank, hundreds dead. 1982 Invasion of Lebanon, 50,000 dead. Sabra & Shatela massacre 4,000 dead.

1956 Sinai Killing of POWs, …1953 Qibya massacre.

"In 1989, the [Mossad] once again succeeded in framing Arabs... Former Mossad case officer Victor Ostrosvky became so disgusted with the criminal behavior of his own government that he defected...and tried to warn America... Ostrovsky revealed exactly how the Israelis framed Libya for the bombing of a German night club, which killed US servicemen. It was this frame up job that caused President Reagan to bomb Libya, killing the 4 year old daughter of Libyan leader Muamar Qadaffi. France refused to allow US bombers to fly over their air space and bomb Libya because French intelligence knew that Libya was unjustly framed by the [Israeli Mossad]. Among...Ostrovosky's...revelations are: that the Mossad often uses Arab agents to carry out missions, that Israeli agents are skilled at impersonating Arabs, that Mossad had a plan to turn American public opinion against Iraq, and that wealthy Zionists in America are often called upon to help carry out Mossad missions. Ostrovsky's tell all book By Way of Deception infuriated the Mossad and made him the target of numerous death threats."

"In April 1996 the Israelis attacked a U.N. refugee camp in Qana, Lebanon and killed 103 innocent men, women, and...children. A U.N. investigation determined [it] was intentional.., the U.N. Security Council voted to condemn Israel for the attack, and all nations -- with the exception of the U.S. -- voted in favor of the resolution. In other words...slaughtering 103 civilians was not sufficient for the USA to condemn Israel..."

 On September 10, 2001, the Washington Times quoted School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS) opinions of the Israeli Intelligence Service Mossad: "Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target US forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act." 911 occurred a day later and Arabs were blamed

Former Top German Spy Says U.S. Wrong About September 11. "...von Bülow...believes that
the Israeli Mossad is behind the Sept. 11 attacks"

- "Two Israeli Mossad were arrested inside the Palacio Legislativo de San Lázaro (Mexican Congress) in Mexico City -- armed with 9 mm automatics, grenades, electrical wiring, and other bomb related materials -- but were released following intense pressure from the Israeli Embassy. The 2 Zionist terrorists were going to blow up the Mexican Congress [then] mobilize the Mexican, and US press to blame “USAma bin Ladeen..."

When Sharon arrived at the white house G. W. Bush said,” I do believe Ariel Sharon is a man of peace."

"Why does the US, which is trillions of dollars in debt, gives away billons of taxpayer dollars to a foreign government whose military violates international laws and whose MOSSAD is capable of murdering US troops [and civilian men, women, and children who get in the way]...TO FRAME ARABS?"

25 July 2002 - "Israeli government and military

dropped one-ton bomb on Gaza City which killed a Hamas commander and 10 children... As rescue workers pulled...a 4-year-old boy from the ruins, the 16th victim (and 10th child) killed in the attack... Prime Minister Ariel Sharon [said] - that the assassination... was 'ONE OF OUR BIGGEST SUCCESSES'."

16 March 2003:-23 year old Rachel Corey from the state of Washington, was killed while she was trying to prevent an Israeli army bulldozers from destroying a Palestinian home.

Other foreigners were with her said, “the driver of the bulldozer pushed her to the ground where it proceeded to drive over her arms legs and skull.”

Lyndon Johnson ordered cover-up:

"...during the 1967 Arab, Israeli war, Israeli gunboats and fighter jets deliberately attacked the USS Liberty, an unarmed US communications ship. Thirty-four American sailors were murdered and 170+ others injured in a prolonged [40-minute] Israeli onslaught - carried out in broad daylight and with the U.S. flag flying prominently. The intent was to kill all of the Americans and then leave the Egyptians to take the blame. Israel denied that the attack was deliberate but the chilling stories of...American survivors...contradicts that lie.

 Until this very day, the U.S. Congress has never investigated the USS Liberty massacre... The ship's crew is bitter...because its own country turned its back on them...because someone killed 34 Americans and...their own government covered up the truth and HELPED them get away with it! What was most treacherous though was...President Johnson's ordering the recall of the sixth fleet when he found out the attackers were NOT THE ARABS but the Israelis."

"President Johnson went on television and announced to the American people that TEN sailors were killed in the 'six minute accidental' attack [instead of the 34 sailors who actually died in Israel's INTENTIONAL attack, which lasted more than 40 MINUTES]. Sailors were ordered not to discuss the incident with ANYONE under threat of court-martial. [They] waited for the investigation...the explanations and the answers. Why did Israel attack the ship? Why did the U. S. Government turn its back on the crew..? The answers never came. There has NEVER been a congressional investigation. There HAS been a NAVY-controlled white-washed investigation of the crew's actions during the attack, but Israel's participation was NOT covered."

Probe Of Cover-Up When Zionists Murdered the Crew Of The USS Liberty

A former Navy attorney who helped lead the military investigation of the 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty that killed 34 American servicemen says former President Lyndon Johnson and his defense secretary, Robert McNamara, ordered that the inquiry conclude the incident was an accident.

In a signed affidavit released at a Capitol Hill news conference, retired Capt. Ward Boston said Johnson and McNamara told those heading the Navy's inquiry to "conclude that the attack was a case of 'mistaken identity' despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary."
 It was one of the classic all-American cover-ups, said retired Admiral Thomas Moore, a former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman who spent a year investigating the attack as part of an independent panel he formed with other former military officials. The panel also included a former US ambassador to Saudi Arabia, James Akins.
Torpedo hole in USS Liberty
 Why would the US government put Israel’s interests ahead of its own? Moorer was the chief of naval operations at the time of the attack.
 Moorer, who has long held that the attack was a deliberate act, wants Congress to investigate.
Israel claims the USS Liberty was mistaken for the out-of-service Egyptian horse carrier El Quseir
According to a 1981 NSA report on the incident, the El Quseir "was approximately one-quarter of the Liberty's tonnage, about one-half its length, and offered a radically different silhouette."
The assault was initiated by French-built high performance Mirage jets armed with cannons and rockets
After the ship was disabled by aircraft cannon, rockets and napalm, Israeli torpedo boats were sent in
Israeli Pilot Admits
USS Liberty Was Intentional
Fifteen years after the attack, an Israeli pilot approached Liberty survivors and then held extensive interviews with former Congressman Paul N. (Pete) McCloskey about his role. According to this senior Israeli lead pilot, he recognized the Liberty as American immediately, so informed his headquarters, and was told to ignore the American flag and continue his attack. He refused to do so and returned to base, where he was arrested.
Later, a dual-citizen Israeli major told survivors that he was in an Israeli war room where he heard that pilot's radio report. The attacking pilots and everyone in the Israeli war room knew that they were attacking an American ship, the major said. He recanted the statement only after he received threatening phone calls from Israel.
The pilot's protests also were heard by radio monitors in the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon. Then-U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Dwight Porter has confirmed this. Porter told his story to syndicated columnists Rowland Evans and Robert Novak and offered to submit to further questioning by authorities. Unfortunately, no one in the U.S. government has any interest in hearing these first-person accounts of Israeli treachery.
The USS Liberty attack recalled
"Then, inexplicably, at 2 p.m., unmarked Israeli aircraft began attacking the ship."
Israel attacked the USS Liberty using UNMARKED AIRCRAFT. This is the single fact which proves Israel knew exactly who they were attacking. Israel's story is that they thought USS Liberty was an Egyptian ship and therefore a legitimate target of war. Were that true, there would be no reason to attack a supposedly Egyptian ship with unmarked aircraft. The only possible reason to use unmarked aircraft to attack the ship is that Israel knew it was an American ship and intended to sink it, then to blame the attack on Egypt.
Moorer, who as top legal council to the official investigation is in a position to know, agrees that Israel intended to sink the USS Liberty and blame Egypt for it, thus dragging the United States into a war on Israel's behalf. This seems to be a common trick of Israel. Starting with the Lavon affair, through the USS Liberty, to the fake radio transmitter that tricked Reagan into attacking Libya, to potentially 9-11 itself, Israel's game is to frame Arabs and set them up as targets for the United States.
The official US investigation is discredited. And with it, every claim of innocence for Israel that relied on the official investigation as a source.
The real question facing the American people is why the US Government seems more concerned with protecting Israel after they are caught playing these dirty tricks, rather than doing something to convince Israel not to kill any more Americans.

"In 1955, [another] one of these "false flag" operations was publicly exposed for the world to see. Israeli agents impersonating Arab terrorists, were caught staging a series of bombings against American installations in Egypt... It ultimately created such a controversy that it brought down the Israeli government. The long since forgotten scandal became known as the Lavon Affair In 1956., during one of Israel's perpetual wars with its neighbors, the Mossad tried to trick the US into siding with Israel...by blowing up a US facility in Cairo and blaming the Arabs... The plot wrecked when the operatives were caught and confessed, creating a huge scandal. And...the US was tricked into bombing Libya when the Mossad planted a radio transmitter in Tripoli which sent out fake orders to [Arab] terrorists...


Fear is the strongest tool of control, “and the only thing we have to fear, is fear it self”, that’s why they keep using the orange code thing alert thing as the bogey man policy to keep every body in line.

"World War III is coming whether you like it or not... 9/11 was the beginning. .. [Aide Sharon, 4/27/02]. Global plans of the U.S. dictators

President-Elect George W. Bush, “I told all four that there were going to be some times where we don't agree with each other. But that's OK. If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator. CNN News, Aired December 18, 2000 http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0012/18/nd.01.htm

Bush said, 'You are either with us or against us'

CNN, November 6, 2001 Posted: 10:13 p.m. EST (0313 GMT)

Bush said in a Press Conference March 13, 2002, "It's our national interests, it's our national security interests that we have a military tribunal available."

US Newswire, G. W. Bush said, "I understand people's willingness to protest, but they should not protest the decisions our coalition is making, because it is in the best interest of freedom and humankind."

"I'm the commander, I do not need to explain why I say things. That's the interesting thing about being the President.
Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don't feel like I owe anybody an explanation...." G. W. Bush,
The Independent
United Nations

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379, adopted on November 10, 1975 by a vote of 72 to 35 (with 32 abstentions), "determine[d] that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination". Is often referenced in debates of Zionism and racism.

Israel made revocation of resolution 3379 a condition of its participation in the Madrid Peace Conference, in progress in the last quarter of 1991. Under pressure from the administration of President George H.W. Bush in the United States, the UN passed the resolution 46/86, it was passed on December 16, 1991, it revoked resolution Resolution 3379 .

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 46/86 passed on December 16, 1991, revoked Resolution 3379 with a vote of 111 to 25, with 13 abstentions.

Every body should be anti-Zionist. Wither he is Jewish or not, but now a days, it takes a lot of courage to be opposed to Zionism. It also took a lot of courage during the Second World War to be anti-Fascist in Italy, or anti-Nazi in Germany.
Words of Zionists, proves that their loyalty, is to Satan, not to God, not even to the Jews!
Dr. Chaim Weizmann

In the Zionist Congress which took place in London in 1937, Dr. Weizmann established the line of policy with his words:

"The hopes of Europe's six million Jews are centered on emigration. I was asked, 'Can you bring six million Jews to Palestine?'I replied, 'No'....From the depths of the tragedy I want to save two million young people...The old ones will pass. They will bear their fate or they will not. They were dust, economic and moral dust in a cruel world...Only the branch of the young shall survive...They have to accept it."

...Holocaust Victims Accuse, pp 25.
Chaim Weizmann reporting to the Zionist Congress in 1937 on his testimony before the Peel Commission in London, July 1937. Cited in Yahya, p. 55.
Rabbi Chaim Soloveitchik of Brisk said:

"If you intend to give a coin to the Jewish National Fund, give it to another idolatry, but not to the Zionists, since this idolatry is worse than any other."
Edit Text

Words of the Rabbis Opposing Zionism. Words proves that Zionists loyalty, is to Satan, not to God, not even to the Jews!


Rabbi Chaim Soloveitchik of Brisk said:

"If you intend to give a coin to the Jewish National Fund, give it to another idolatry, but not to the Zionists, since this idolatry is worse than any other."

The words of, Rabbi Joseph Rosen zt”l of Dvinsk were written in the middle of the year 5664 of the Jewish calendar, which equals about 1903 of the regular calindar:

English Translation:

“…The whole movement (the Zionists movement) is in the hands of unstable and empty men and slaves delighting in lawlessness. They raise their head against all the Gedoilei Hadoir seeing that they have defied a weighty prohibition against this conduct……

……How can we arouse kindness and seek compassion among the nations if we are tainted with revolt? Yet all this is aimed at making Dr. Herzl king of Israel and his associates princes.

Rabbi Moshe Leib Diskin once said:
"The rabbis of the generation should gather together and issue a writ of excommunication against the Zionists and eject them from the Jewish People, and make decrees against their bread and wine, and to forbid marrying with them, JUST LIKE OUR SAGES DID WITH THE SAMARITANS."
Rabbi Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam, said, 100 years ago "You should know, that when a Jew recites 'Hear O Israel, God is our Lord, God is One' he should have in mind to reject all idolatry in the world, and Zionism is also idolatry, and he must reject it as well."

SOURCE: "The Transformation" The Voice of Torah, pp 196-204
Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld

Leader of the Orthodox Jewish community in Jerusalem and a staunch anti Zionist. Around 75 years ago he participated together with the martyr Professor Yaakov Yisroel DeHaan (later murdered by the Zionists) …

Rabbi Sonnenfeld later established the anti-Zionist Rabbinical court of the Eidah Hacharedis and was appointed as its head and Chief Rabbi by the Orthodox community in Jerusalem, this court standing in opposition to the Zionist puppet "Rabbinical court" and its "Chief Rabbis".

This is a letter written by the famous Rabbi Tzadok Hakohen of Lublin, Poland, before World War II:
Concerning the Zionists can be applied the verse: He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who beholds clouds will not reap.
The Zionists sow wheat and reap thorns, and EVEN SHOULD THE WORK OF SATAN PROSPER, eventually there could be a horrible end, God forbid.
The Jewish People appear to be in this hour like a ship sailing in the heart of the sea without oars in a tempest. The helmsmen have been struck by blindness.
SOURCE: "The Transformation" The Voice of Torah, pp 193-196
Rabbi Yeoshea Dzikover

The Dzikover Rebbe, zt”l, is widely known as Reb Yehoishea Dzikover. This is what he wrote:

(English Translation):

“To our distress, some rabbis from Russia have joined these evil men and distribute letters and pamphlets in persuasive words describing Dr. Herzl as one who desires to lead us into the palace of the King. And I have seen that one of this variety of rabbis who entertain empty ideas and speak pretentiously, has been writing against the great and righteous men of the age who are opposed to Zionism.

…There has therefore been an increase among us of letters from the great men among our brethren to the effect that the sole delight of Zionists is to fill their bellies to the extent of their appetites, that all who oppress Israel become leaders, and that through the great extent of their desire to rise to greatness, their brains have become confused so that they no longer have the common sense to appreciate the evil which they are bringing upon us.

…I am therefore joining those who aim at setting up a fence to exclude the Zionist transgressors. Far be it from any man in Israel to enter their company. …

SOURCE: "The Transformation" The Voice of Torah, pp 210-217

Meir Simcha Hakohen

“The Lord doth roar from on high and from His holy habitation gives forth His voice, for there have arisen new rebels and traitors, thinking to lay the foundation of Zion and to establish a kingdom; and they have raised the standard, to gather our Exile, in the promise that in the near future, they will put an end to all trouble and calamity and that they, the Zionists, will deliver Israel from all its troubles.

I cannot utter with my lips nor put down in writing that which is in my heart concerning these unstable men.

…, seeing that we know that its end is—Heaven forbid—destruction and vanity, and all this comes upon them through the desire for greatness and power that burns and consumes their hearts like fire.

….It is our duty to preserve ourselves from being captured and mingled with the unstable utterances of Herzl and Nordau and with their conspiracy

King David cried out “I have seen renegades and I was grieved for they did not observe Thy word. Let dust seal their mouths for they are no better than the renegades who apostatized.”

SOURCE: "The Transformation" The Voice of Torah, pp 183-186

Rabbi Avraham Yoshe Freund of Nasod said:

"It is not because they are Zionists that they are evildoers. It is because they are evildoers that they are Zionists."

.. Wasserman said the following when asked about the terror methods of the Zionists:
"They (the Zionists) should be considered as persecutors (rodfim) against the Jewish People. It is forbidden to use such methods".
He once said regarding the Zionists in his novella on the Talmud:
"It is known that the Jewish People always suffer from two things:
1) Outsiders, and 2) Insiders with their false messiahs, with whom they promise to return to the Holy Land. Their ultimate end is the giving up of Judaism by thousands of Jews."

…"And in the Holy Land it is beyond any doubt, that the land will vomit them from its midst, for it is the "palace of the King" and does not hold evildoers...I do not come to curse... but because, this is exactly what is stated in the Torah, against our will it will come to pass..."
Rabbi Chaim Soloveichik of Brisk

was frequently quoted by his disciples as saying:
"The Zionists do not make Jews heretics in order to have a state, they want a state in order to make Jews into heretics!"
Or, as he once wrote:
"The Jewish people have suffered many (spiritual) plagues -- …. But the strongest of them all is Zionism."

Rabbi Yisrael Meir Hakohen, the Chofetz Chaim

"I am sure, that the zionists are descendents of Amalek."

Rabbi Yisrael Meir Hakohen,:

If the thoughts of these Zionists were really for the good of Israel as they claim, they would refrain from this effort, and THERE WOULD BE AN END TO ALL THE CALAMITIES THAT SPRING FORTH FROM IT. …

In the 1930s, Rabbi Elchonon Wasserman, reported in the name of his teacher, Rabbi Yisrael Meir the Chafetz Chaim, that the Talmudic statement that God has sworn that His Name is incomplete, and his Seat is incomplete, until "they" are erased from the world refers to the Zionists.

(Source: Chapter 3 of Rabbi Wasserman's booklet, "Proper Prayer")
Rabbi Shaul Brach

…"Since the dawn of the Zionist movement, suffering has not ceased to exist in the world. All the warnings of the Torah have been fulfilled in their details among our People all over the world. For a believer it is no surprise that the Zionists are the same as the heretics at the time of the Destruction of the Temple. Thus, divine judgment has been unleashed on the entire world.

…. But the Torah states, "..lest the Land vomit you out because of how you defiled it."

Rabbi Yissachar Dov of Belz once said:
" There could be, before the arrival of Mashiach, that the Satan should succeed, and the evildoers should get a State in the Land of Israel. Their state would be a big danger for every Jew in material and spiritual matters."
Rabbi Chaim Oizer Grodzinski

Your honour knows that in the matter of the Zionists and the Mizrachi, I am in correspondence with the Gaonim of this generation, and all of them, have decided that Zionism is the work of the Sitro Achro with all its seductions and incitements, for the purpose of turning Israel from the good path and, that a great danger arises from it for all the Congregation of the Exile—Heaven forbid—and that all those who venture to defend the Zionists, are no better than they.

... .. But the truth of the matter is that this was all merely posturing, and their true interest was in following along after their Zionist heretic masters for purposes of power, money and honor. Woes to us that such things have arisen in our generation.”

(From his Jewish legal responsa entitled Minchas Elazar, Part V, Section 36)

As we stated earlier, Zionism thrives on anti-Semitism.

…. The founder of Zionism and apostate, Theodor Herzl, sought to intensify hatred of the Jew in order to enhance the cause of political Zionism. Here are some of his “pearls”:

“It is essential that the sufferings of Jews. . . become worse. . . this will assist in realization of our plans. . .I have an excellent idea. . . I shall induce anti-semites to liquidate Jewish wealth. . . The anti-semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-semites shall be our best friends”. (From his Diary, Part I, pp. 16)

Additional words from the vivid imagination of this dreamer, from p. 68 of Part I of his Diary.

So anti-Semitism, which is a deeply imbedded force in the subconscious mind of the masses, will not harm the Jews. I actually find it to be advantageous to building the Jewish character, education by the masses that will lead to assimilation. This education can only happen through suffering, and the Jews will adapt.

Who spoke in a public address at a political Zionist meeting in Berlin and declared that “Germany… has too many Jews”? Was it Hitler or Goebbels? No, it was Chaim Weizman, later to become the first President of the State of Israel. This address was published in 1920, and, thus, four years before Hitler had even written Mein Kampf.

… In 1963, Moshe Sharett, then Chairman of the Jewish Agency, told the 38th Annual Congress of the Scandinavian Youth Federation that the freedom enjoyed by the majority of Jews imperiled Zionism, and at the 26th World Zionist Congress, the delegates were told that the Jew is endangered by the easing of anti-Semitism in the United States “We are endangered by freedom” he declared.

Ben Gurion declared, “…not always and not everywhere do I opposed anti-Semitism”.

During World War II, the Lehi organization, an offshoot of Begin’s Irgun that was headed by Yitzchak Shamir sought an alliance with Nazis! The following is a quote from the writings of the Lehi in their contact with the Nazis:

"The establishment of the historical Jewish state on a national and totalitarian basis and bound by a treaty with the German Reich would be in the interests of strengthening the future German position of power in the Near East ... The NMO in Palestine offers to take an active part in the war on Germany's side ... The cooperation of the Israeli freedom movement would also be in line with one of the recent speeches of the German Reich Chancellor, in which Herr Hitler stressed that any combination and any alliance would be entered into in order to isolate England and defeat it."

Yitzchak Greenbaum, a famous Zionist, proclaimed that “one cow in Palestine was worth more than all the Jews in Poland.”

The infamous David Ben-Gurion said in 1938:

"If I knew it was possible to save all the children in Germany by taking them to England, and only half of the children by taking them to Eretz Israel, I would choose the second solution. For we must take into account not only the lives of these children but also the history of the people of Israel."

Read about the brutal Zionist role in the Holocaust.

After the war, a Zionist “religious” leader, Rabbi Klaussner, who was in charge of displaced persons presented a report before the Jewish American Conference on May 2nd, 1948 :

"I am convinced people must be forced to go to Palestine...For them, an American dollar appears as the highest of goals. By the word "force", I am suggesting a programme. It served for the evacuation of the Jews in Poland, and in the history of the 'Exodus'... To apply this programme we must, instead of providing 'displaced persons' with comfort, create the greatest possible discomfort for them...At a second stage, a procedure calling upon the Haganah to harass the Jews."

Deuteronomy 32:43: Praise his People, O Nations: For he will avenge the blood of his servants. He will render vengeance against his adversaries and make expiation for his land and his People.

Go to Chapter 2, Synagogue of Satan


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God said in the Quran,

[18:99]. And on that day We shall let some of them surge against others like waves, and the Trumpet will be blown. Then We shall gather them together in one gathering.

[18:100]. On that day We shall present hell to the disbelievers, plain to view,

[18:101]. Those whose eyes were under a covering from My reminder (the Qur'an), and who could not bear to hear.

[18:102]. Do the disbelievers (the devil & his deceived servants) reckon that they can choose My bondmen (all the Good People) as protecting friends beside Me? Lo! We have prepared hell as a welcome for the disbelievers(the devil & his deceived servants).

[18:103]. Say: Shall We inform you who will be the greatest losers in respect of (their) deeds?

[18:104]. "Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life while they thought that they were acquiring good by their deeds!

[18:105]. "They are those who deny the Ayat (proofs,

 evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations,

 etc.) of their Lord and the Meeting with Him (in

 the Hereafter). So their works are in vain, and on the Day of Resurrection, We shall not give them any weight, they are Worthless.

[18:106]. That is their reward: hell, because they disbelieved, and made a jest of Our revelations (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, etc.) and Our messengers.

[18:107]. Lo! those who believe and do good works, theirs are the Gardens of Paradise, for welcome,

[18:108]. Wherein they will abide, with no desire to be removed from thence.

[18:109]. Say: Though the sea became ink for the Words of my Lord, verily the sea would be used up before the Words of my Lord were exhausted, even if We brought the like thereof to supply as ink.

[18:110]. Say (O Muhammad): I am only a mortal like you. My Lord inspireth in me that your God is only One God. And whoever hopeth for the meeting with his Lord, let him do righteous work, and associate none as a partner in the worship of his Lord.

And By That God Declared Victory?
